Chapter 37: Torn Apart

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It's been two weeks and no angst, so I hope you're ready for a fresh dose of madness as Catherine finally gets to wind down. Jared's gone like a bat out of hell to find Cass at LAX, leaving Cat and Shannon alone at last. What could go wrong? Read on.

**************** WARNIING: Sexual content ****************

Shannon was still awake when I slipped back between the sheets and I wasted no time relaxing into the warmth of his outstretched arms.

He spooned my body and I relaxed into his arms. Exhaustion had been building all day and I surrendered. My head fell back onto his chest and he dropped the tiniest of kisses along my shoulder until his tongue circled the tender skin in the hollow of my neck.

Whatever had transpired downstairs with Jared was suddenly forgotten.

I moved closer so my back was sandwiched firmly against his chest and shivered as fingers eased away the tension buried deep within me.

I tuned out as his hands smoothed down my body, skimming over my hips before coming to rest between my thighs. 

"So, do you want to talk?" 

"I don't know." It came out as a plaintiff sigh, which I hadn't intended. I didn't have a clue what I wanted. It was as if everyone had been taking a part of me and now, bit by bit, I had nothing left to give.

I noticed Shannon's breath was smoky and I guessed he'd stepped outside on the balcony for a quick cigarette or two in my absence. 

I couldn't say too much. After an hour spent with my therapist as well as counselling Jared, I would have given anything for a smoke. 

My emotions were catching up fast and crippling tiredness invaded every bone in my body.

I sighed and pulled his arms tight around my belly. "You know what?" I craned my neck so I could look up at him. "Much as I love Jared, he can be a complete jerk."

"And you think I don't know that?" Shannon was undoubtedly thinking back on all the shit they'd endured together over the years. I knew some but not all of it because Shannon had shielded me from the worst. 

"Let him sort this. He's engineered enough chaos to know how to navigate his way back out." 


When Jared had left for the airport, I'd phoned Cassie to check she was OK.

I knew I should give her the space she needed to come to terms with everything that had happened over the past few months.

The conversation had been a little strained but after much persuasion, she revealed she was heading to New York to stay with an old school friend. That was all I needed.

The few flight details I'd gleaned from our talk I passed on to Jared, who was driving at speed towards LAX. 


I turned and buried my face in the crook of Shannon's neck, breathing in the familiar scent. I had much more important things to take care of than worrying about his brother.

Shannon shifted on to his elbow and watched me closely as if analyzing my mood and working out where the night was heading.

"Don't move." I stripped off my bra and panties before pulling the sheet back over us and trapping the heat.

"Do I get your undivided attention now?" He shifted to make room. 

His tattoos stood out in stark contrast to the white sheets and his hair looked kind of cute stuck up at all angles. 

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