Chapter 46: Benefit of Hindsight

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Hi! I hope you had a great weekend and thanks for all your comments. It's lovely to hear about your fears of a potential storm brewing. Perhaps that's why I've been productive and produced an early chapter. We're suffering Storm Brendan in the UK and it's been two days of twilight without sunlight. So I've sat at my PC and dreamed up some hellfire to entertain you all. Enjoy!

"Do you mind if we pull over and stop for a moment?"

Jared had been pretty quiet the whole journey, giving me time to think. 

"What's the matter?" I looked over at him, taking my eyes off the road for a second. 

I'd forced his hand on seeing Cass. I wasn't putting this off for any longer than was necessary and I'd called Karen to give her the heads up we were on our way.

"I'm fine, I just need to stop for a moment. There's a coffee shop not far from here. Can we pull over for half an hour. I need to talk," he said.

This was all I needed. I'd been quite happy driving in silence. I pondered his request, not wanting to delay the meeting with Cass.

"Can't this wait?"


Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his jaw set in that determined way he had when he was not to be turned.

"Half an hour, no more," I warned.  "Where is this place?"

He was right when he said it wasn't far. Two minutes later I parked up and slammed the door shut.

Away from the air con,  the sun's ray's were heating things up and I hurried to get inside.

It was quiet and Jared pointed to a seat in a corner.

He ordered drinks and we sat back, sizing each other up and waiting to see who'd speak first.

I gave in. "So what's up that couldn't wait?"

I leaned in closer, closing the gap over the table. "Jared, I can't take this shit from you anymore. I've agreed to the plan. What more do you want?" 

I didn't want to provoke him but I did want to assert my authority.

"I don't want anything more Cat. I wanted to get you alone. I wanted to apologize."

His blue eyes never left mine, holding my gaze and daring me to look away. I felt the ground shift slightly, the wind knocked out of me as he reached over and took my hands.

"I've given Shannon my word that I won't fuck around with you. And I keep my word. There's been too much happening lately and I admit I've been to blame.

"I just want you to know I'm sorry. I know how much Cass means to you." 

At last, he looked away and loosened his grip on my hands.

"I started on this relationship without thinking things through. She's young and I'm not getting any younger.

"I know you think this is all about me but I need to protect her. I've said it before. I don't want her going on social media and reading lies about us. I'm just buying time and I need to know you're with me."

I wiped a thumb over some coffee dripping down the side of my mug.

There was something I needed to say, something that had been playing on my mind, ever since he'd given me the warning. 

"I'm dangerous Cat. Don't get involved. You'll only get hurt." 

And this seemed as good a time as any to clear the air.

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