Chapter 60: The End

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Slightly later than planned but better late than never. Here it is! The End. After more than a year of writing and time juggling, Don't Call Me Cat! is finished. It's hard to say goodbye to characters but there'll be more to come once life returns to a new normal. To all of you who've read, voted, and commented, thanks so much for your support. I hope you enjoy it!

Karen's nerves were jangling as Catherine pulled out the single sheet of paper.

She sat back, allowing her friend a degree of privacy to read Shannon's letter.

It was folded in half and Catherine hesitated for a moment. Part of her was desperate to know what he was thinking, the other part dreaded that very same thing.

But there was only one way to find out.

She looked behind her at Karen who gave her a nod of encouragement before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

Catherine unfolded the letter and started reading.


If you're reading this, you're still wearing our love bracelet.

And I guess if you're reading this, you're wondering what I want.

The answer is simple. I want a second chance.

I'm no good with words, you know that.

The screwdriver was my attempt to set you free, to let you live your life and not have to think about me.

But I can't stop thinking about you, about the time we had together. 

The bad times were the worst of my life and I'm sorry for putting you through that hell.

But the good times Catherine! I have amazing memories: your happy place, dinner at Barneys, walking around Rome, making love in Capri.

I know things were falling apart in Capri but I can't shake the memory of being with you through heaven and hell.

Since you left, I've had time to sit down and think. 

A lot of time.

I don't want to think any more though. I want to talk.

Call me, please

Shannon xxx


"Think long and hard before you do anything," Karen said, hugging her friend as they walked to the door.

A draught of cool air greeted them as Catherine walked out to the waiting cab.

She looked back and waved, shouting her thanks before opening the door and disappearing into the night. The gentle hum of the engine lulled her as she played back Shannon's words.

I don't want to think any more though. I want to talk.

Whatever had happened, there was still a huge part of her that wanted to sit down and talk. But there was still a tiny part that realized how much she'd given up in the short time they'd spent together.

A song kept creeping into her subconscious and she kept playing the same lines over and over in her head:

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got

'Till it's gone


Catherine flicked the switch and the apartment was flooded with light.

The place was a total mess and she considered turning off the lights until she tripped over a book discarded on the tiled hallway. She cursed and rubbed her ankle, determined to clean up.

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