Chapter 2: Coffee at Barney's

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Hi everyone! Because this is a new venture, I thought I'd post this second chapter now, just to get this latest story kicked off. From here on, I'll post follow-up chapters on a Friday. Please bear with me. It's a slow burn but I hope you'll all stick with it! Have a great week, don't stress, and keep in touch xoxoxo

The next day dawned bright and sunny and thankfully I'd only given in to one glass of wine. Any more and it would have spelled disaster ahead of today's crazy schedule.

I puffed up the pillows on my bed and sat up before bending over double, trying to find my bag on the floor.

A string of curses fell on deaf ears as the contents spilled out over the floor. "Shit, shit, shit! Where's my diary?" I scanned the mess before spotting it lying half under the bed. The battered journal held my life within its tattered pages and I took a moment to remind myself of today's itinerary.

There was a 10 am session with my Alpha group in the studio, so at least that gave me time to grab a coffee to kick start the day.

After that, there were one-on-ones with various young actors needing individual coaching ahead of important auditions. And I'd decided, foolishly in hindsight, to accompany one of them to a casting. They didn't usually receive this 'above and beyond the call of duty service', believe me.

After scanning the rest of the day's schedule, I closed the diary and jumped in the shower before heading out of my apartment into the early morning warmth. I loved this time of day with its endless possibilities stretching ahead before the inevitable shit hit the fan of life. 

With the sun on my face and an early morning dose of optimism, the car journey was delayed in favor of a short walk to the nearest coffee shop. This was somewhere that guaranteed a near-perfect flat white and some much-needed tranquillity.

"Catherine! Where have you been for so long?"

This had been my favorite hiding place for years and it was Barney, the owner, who always fussed over me. He was constantly checking I wasn't overdoing it; wanting to know about potential boyfriends and clucking over my bad dress sense.

"Barney, I'm so sorry! I've been busy as hell with the studio. You OK?" He pulled me into a big hug.

"I've missed you not calling in for your morning coffee Catherine. Now, what can I get you? Flat white, as usual? And how about a breakfast pastry?"

"Barney you'll lead me astray with offers of pastry you know." 

"But it's so good for the soul young lady. And anyway, it's my treat today!"

No amount of arguing would convince him to take money, so after a quick kiss on the cheek, I  sat down and watched him work his coffee magic.

"Thanks, Barney" He placed the coffee and croissant on the table. "Are you too busy to join me?"

"Lovely Catherine, I know you'll be wanting to go through your diary as usual. Don't let me stop you." He patted my shoulder and disappeared behind the bar, busying himself ahead of the rush hour.

I don't know about the diary. My eyes were heavy and drifted shut, a rare moment of relaxation before the day kicked off. My mind wandered, remembering last night, the groceries, that guy Shannon with his expensive wine. A bit of an enigma but very cute. I filed him away for future daydreams.

The smell of coffee instantly calmed me. Near perfect. I smiled at Barney, giving him the thumbs-up of approval.

My phone buzzed and the time flashed up, a reminder of the day ahead. I drained the last of the coffee before wiping my finger across the plate, scooping up the buttery flakes of croissant.

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