Chapter 30: The L Word

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It's been a while, I know, but this week we're leaving the world of Jared and Cassie and heading back to Shannon and Catherine. They are still here (I promise!) and true to his word, he's taking her away, to escape "somewhere private".

If you do want to refresh your memory, read the end of Chapter 27: Mystery Girl

When you've done that .... hope you enjoy the latest update. Happy weekend xxxx

I pushed opened the door to the chalet and Shannon's arms wrapped me in a huge bear hug.

"What do you think?"

The floor to ceiling windows offered an uninterrupted view over the Santa Monica Mountains. 

"This is the best place I've ever been to." I couldn't keep the childish enthusiasm out of my voice.

It was pure luxury and I was excited just to be here, the two of us, alone with time to ourselves.

"Well let's get in and dump our bags. Then we can enjoy these three days together."

Shannon laughed as I rushed off inside, leaving him with the pile of bags at the door. 

"Just leave them in the bedroom and I'll tip you later," I yelled, knowing he'd make me pay double for all the trouble I'd caused him recently.

It was only now I realized how much we needed this time out together. And perhaps it was all the better for not having any build-up or time to plan. 

Shannon had made all the arrangements leaving me to just pack my bags and turn up.

I cast my eyes across the vast open plan living space. It was perfect. The breakfast bar took center stage, a slab of marble supported by hundreds of chopped up logs. There were cozy throws on the couch, and pillows were scattered across the living area. It just screamed laid back living and I loved it.

"Come outside Catherine!" I followed his voice, walking on to the sunbathed veranda which wrapped around three sides of the property.

Beyond the trees, the mountains rolled out to a distant horizon. It was just me and Shannon and that's the way we wanted it.

"I didn't tell you about the hot tub. Thought I'd keep this one secret until we got here."

"Wow!" That's all I could say. It took up half of one side of the porch with views to die for. I looked out across the mountains with their varying shades of green and brown, fading out to a hazy blue the closer they got to the horizon.

I removed my sweat top. Even though the day was drawing to a close, the wooden decking was still radiating heat.

"Where did you find this place? It's amazing." I couldn't stop looking out over the vista spread before us. 

"Jared's been before, so he suggested bringing you here." He looked over with a smirk on his face.

"Great, so we'll be sleeping in the same bed as your brother." I honestly couldn't help myself once he mentioned Jared.

"I'll go check the bedpost for notches, shall I?"

"It's OK. I've checked. There are only a few scratches. We can add to them later?" 

He walked over and pulled me in for one of his special hugs, laughing as I tried to break free.

"I need food, not sex. If you behave, I might let you near me later."  This was our usual banter and I walked away, wiggling my bottom on the way to check out the refrigerator.

The next few hours drifted by. We chatted over a pasta dish and Shannon surprised me with a bottle of wine.

"Recognise it?" He held up a $56 bottle of the New Zealand Chardonnay. "I thought it would remind us how we first met."

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