Chapter 45: Love and Promises

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Happy new year and all that! It's been a while but I thought it was time to get back on track with this story. We catch up with Jared, Shannon, and Cat as the plan unfolds for keeping the paparazzi away from Cass.

Catherine's POV

I pulled Shannon's shirt tight to keep in the warmth. The smell of him still lingered and provided some comfort as I followed Jared towards the poolside lounger.

I had no idea what they'd been discussing inside and could only imagine what Jared was thinking when he turned to face me. 

Those normally clear blue eyes were dulled and I wasn't sure if it was caused by the onset of dusk or the strain of dealing with his relationship.

"Does Cass have any idea what you've got planned?"

I feared the three of them had been planning something behind my back and I was desperate to know what they'd been talking about.

"Come on Jared. Don't just stand there as if nothing's happened. You're not just messing with Cass, you're messing with me now and I'm old enough and wise enough not to have to take this shit. So tell me what you've got planned."

"Sit down." He pushed down on my shoulder, forcing me on the lounger where he sat next to me. I went to speak but he pressed his finger to my lips.

"Cat, stop for a minute!" His eyes narrowed and the temperature appeared to drop a few degrees as we faced off in the shadows.

"I'm fed up with fighting you Cat. Can you stop and listen for a minute. I'm trying to fight fires on every front at the moment so don't push me."

"Or what Jared?" That familiar flash of temper was well and truly ignited and I shoved him away.

"Why do I feel like I'm always last to the party. Everyone's in on this plan except me. And everyone seems to be on board with whatever you've got planned. So excuse me if I seem pissed. I have every right to be pissed."

The words came tumbling out of my mouth with little pause for breath until a familiar arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me away to safety. Shannon buried his face in my hair and I relaxed instantly.

A dull pain ached in my chest as I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Come and sit down and let's talk this through, just the three of us," he said. "Please don't get upset; I didn't mean for you to be hurt by any of this."

Shannon turned and lit a cigarette, inhaling deeply before blowing a plume of smoke out and away from me.

He eyed Jared who was sat on the lounger. "Shall I explain your plan and then at least we can try to work things out between the three of us?"

I looked up and was met by two pairs of eyes searching mine for an answer.

"Shouldn't Cass be in on this conversation?" It was a valid question and I looked at Jared, wondering what he was thinking.

"She's gone home with Karen," Shannon replied, taking another drag on his cigarette before continuing. "It's just us three now, so let's talk things through."

He walked away and I watched as he pushed open the door and headed inside. 

"Tell me something." I turned and went to sit next to Jared who scooted to one side to make room.

"Who are you protecting here? You or Cass? I need to know before I go any further with your plans."

I wasn't giving in to his manipulation this time. "Look at me and tell me you have Cass's best interests at heart and that you're not messing with me."

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