Chapter 20: The Already Ticking Clock

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Grab a glass of wine and a box of tissues. It's Friday and the clock's ticking for Catherine. I hope your weekend is filled with peace and relaxation wherever you are and whatever you're doing. Please keep in touch and let me know your thoughts on Don't Call Me Cat!

Warning: Emotion, grief, etc.

Shannon had accompanied me to the airport, holding me tight in the backseat of the car until finally, I had to check in for my flight to NYC.  He'd been a complete rock over the past two days while I'd been either crying my eyes out or dealing with the studio and other work-related things.

When he let go, the air cooled the warm patches where our bodies had been wrapped around each other.

"Take care and I'll call you when I arrive." I leaned into the taxi and kissed him one last time, putting on a brave face and promising to keep in touch as much as time would allow.

"If you need me...." his voice trailed off and he held on to my wrist. "I'm only a plane flight away OK? Just call and I'll be with you."

Checking my watch, I blew him a kiss and turned away, hiding the tears which were threatening to spill down my cheeks. I rushed off, not daring to look back.

Online check-in's a blessing, so it was just a quick dash through security and then off to the departure gate.

Goodbyes at the best of times are a bitch but this one had been particularly hard. Shannon had spent the past 24 hours looking after my every need: feeding me, wiping my tears, and forcing me to sleep when it all became too much. 

The thought of flying without him was painful but it was too soon for my two worlds to collide. My emotions were too raw and this was something I needed to deal with alone and in my own way.

During the flight, snippets of the conversation with my father haunted me. I fought back more tears, recalling the sound of his voice cracking as he broke the news about my mom.

So here I was, flying across the states and back to my home city. We'd cried our tears together on the phone with the promise to see each other this evening.

Any further thoughts were blanked out by the blue skies and blinding sunlight shooting past the aircraft window. I knew I had to get my mind in a place where I could deal with the inevitable flood of emotions that would be waiting for me back in New York.

My eyes drifted shut while my mind was numbed by the steady thrum of the aircraft engines. I hadn't even loosened my seatbelt before I realized we were landing. Shannon had helped pack my cabin luggage so my getaway would be as easy as possible. 

When we'd spoken earlier, Dad had offered to collect me but we agreed it was better he stayed at home with mom. I switched my phone back on in arrivals and a slew of notifications popped up on the screen. I ignored most but clicked on one.

Shannon: Missing you already. Stay strong and I'll call you later xxx

I smiled, desperately wanting to hear his voice but backed off, knowing better than to let my emotions loose on a phone line when there was no-one to pick up the pieces my end. I texted a quick reply before pushing my way through the noisy crowds to stand in line for a taxi.

The ride home filled me with dread but as we navigated our way out of Queens towards Manhattan, the skyline and city buzz took my mind off what lay ahead.


The concierge opened the doors to a familiar smell of polish as he ushered me into a marbled entrance. He pointed out the elevator and I pressed the button for the 24th floor, taking a fleeting moment to lean my head against the cooling mirrored walls.

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