Chapter 14: Cassie

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And here's the second update, which sort of goes hand in hand with the previous chapter, which is why I decided to post both back-to-back.  We now know Jared's feelings but what about Cassie? Read on and find out more. Hope everyone's having a great day and feel free to post feedback on both these chapters <3 x

The first thing Cassie noticed was his blue eyes. They were as blue, as hers were green. And their intensity scared and thrilled in equal measures.

If there was one thing she didn't need at this moment it was to be scared. But if like her,  you'd had only a few minor bit part auditions, this whole situation was nothing short of terrifying.

Cassie tried taking deep breaths but the air felt thick and heavy, leaving her dizzy and sick to the core with nerves.



I'd left Catherine in the waiting area and now it was just me and Jared, alone in this tiny, hot, and cramped studio. 

I wiped my palms against the cuffs of my shirt and tried to keep calm. It wasn't that long ago I'd been listening to his music in my bedroom while I was doing my homework. I'd even been to see his band with my mates. I remembered how our parents had chaperoned us and even booked an overnight stay at a hotel. We'd talked until well gone midnight, binged on take-out pizza, and giggled over who we fancied most: Jared or Shannon.

My friends would be jealous as hell if they could see me now. But all I wanted was to run away and hide. Hell! Why had my nerves got the better of me? And he was doing absolutely nothing to put me at my ease.

The funny, wild guy I remembered on stage was replaced by this moody man who was making me feel really uncomfortable.

"OK, Cassie. When you're ready." Jared's voice was calm and business-like. I remembered Catherine telling me to park my nerves but that was so much easier said than done.

I looked down at the script and started reading but I knew I sounded shit by the way he was looking at me. I was hardly slaying my first audition.

I'd heard so many tabloid stories and rumors about Jared, that I was thinking more about him than this audition. 

I stopped because I couldn't get my breathing right. A trickle of sweat made me reach back and rub my neck. Then the unthinkable happened. I dropped part of the script right at his feet.

Oh fuck, the silence was killing me. I looked up at him, dreading what I'd see.

All I wanted was to get back to my mom's house, dig out my favorite PJs, and snuggle up on the sofa watching Netflix.

Instead, I was sat here, totally shook. I couldn't move I was so pathetically scared of him.

When I did look up though, some of the earlier ice had melted from his eyes.

"Relax. I'm here to help you. Take a deep breath for me." His voice was weirdly hypnotic, even soothing.

"Now close your eyes and just continue to breathe."

It all seemed a bit weird but I did as I was told because it was Jared Leto. I wanted to impress him; not that I'd come even close so far with this audition.

I kept on breathing, lost in the blackness with my eyes shut tight. What the hell was he doing? He didn't speak, and I just kept on breathing slowly, in and out, trying to keep myself calm.

"Good girl. Now open your eyes and look at me." His words were softly spoken and TBH I kinda felt more at ease. The look he gave me knocked me sideways though. He didn't break eye contact, almost daring me to look away. 

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