Chapter 38: Jared's Story

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Happy Friday and roll on the weekend. For those of you who were shocked, horrified, and jumped ship after the last chapter, don't give up!!!!!

Here's Chapter 38 and we find out what happened after Cat hung up the phone on Jared. It's all a little crazy, a little emotional but hang on for the roller coaster.

Let me know your thoughts!

Taillights flared red on the freeway ahead and Jared cursed as he signaled and pulled out in front of a truck speeding towards him. Horns blared and lights flashed but he was blinded by the memory of Cat's voice and the panic that had gripped him.

He braked sharply and came off at the next exit ramp, trying to work out the quickest route back to his brother's house. 

It was gone midnight but traffic was still heavy in Hollywood. He checked the rear view mirror and was dazzled by headlights from behind. They only served to illuminate his face, especially the dark shadows circling his eyes.

The day had started badly and was rapidly heading south.

The frantic dash to LAX had been pointless. It had been a wasted hour rushing around crowded departure halls, scanning faces, scrutinizing departure boards and waiting for a call from Cassie.

There were any number of flights heading out to NYC and he had no idea if she was heading for JFK, Newark, LaGuardia. Likewise, he'd scanned the airlines: Delta, American, United, all flickering and changing as planes departed LA.

It was a thankless task and in the end, he'd admitted defeat. A Starbucks was open and he'd pulled down his hat and found a vacant table in the back. 

It was quiet and gave him time to message Cass again, pleading with her to call and at least give him chance to apologize. But again there was no answer.

He'd smacked the table, frustrated at the turn of events.

He needed to make one last attempt to get hold of her and there was really only one person who could help. 

His cell lay silent on the table in front of him and Jared sighed, scrolling through his contacts.

Cat's number flashed up on the screen. He'd felt really bad dragging her into his personal life but she was the one person he was sure Cass would talk to.

He thought twice before calling, knowing she'd been desperate to get back to bed with Shannon. But he was left with no option. It was either lose Cass for good or phone Cat and hope she could build the bridges he'd been happily burning.

He'd waited until he was back in the car before hitting the call button.

That was 30 minutes ago.

Jared wound down the window to let the cool breeze in. That call had altered the course of his night again. 

Instead of worrying about Cass, now he was playing back the tears and sobs that greeted him when Cat answered her phone. 

He'd begged her to stay on the line but she'd hung up. Now he had two women refusing to answer his calls.

Whatever had happened, Jared knew his brother wasn't home because Cat had sounded frantic, thinking it was Shannon calling.

He pulled up at a red light and checked the time. He needed to speak to Shannon and find out what was going on. Everything had seemed fine when he left them together a few hours ago. Jared kept playing back everything that had happened, trying to work out what could have possibly occurred in such a short space of time. But he drew a blank.

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