Chapter 54: Flesh and Blood

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******** DRAMA ALERT ********

You've been warned! The last chapter saw Cat writing letters, explaining her feelings to both brothers. This week, not wanting to give too much away, it all becomes a race against time. I've loved reading all your comments from last week. And I love that you all have an idea of how you want the story to end. There's still a little way to go yet but all will soon be revealed. I hope you enjoy this week's fun and games. As always keep in touch and let me know what you think. Have a great weekend xxx

It was dark when Cat arrived at the Sala Sinopoli. The building's towering walls cast long shadows over empty walkways shielded from the amphitheater's dazzling light show.

Cat had begged Emma to meet her earlier than arranged. The thought of bumping into Jared after the show had brought on a fresh flood of tears and she knew, for both of them, it was best she kept her distance.

Cat gazed up at the stars and focused on one in particular; it was a bright diamond in a sea of tiny crystals. As her eyes became accustomed to the light, hundreds more came into view in the darkness above. 

But she fixated on that one tiny diamond and made a wish. Her eyes closed and that familiar hurt started building deep inside.

Cat jumped as a hand came to rest on her shoulder.

"Relax, it's only me." Emma's familiar voice broke into her thoughts and Cat felt the pain subside as she turned around.

"You look bloody awful." Emma's lips curled upwards slightly at the shocked look on her friend's face.

"That's just what I needed to hear," Cat sighed, looking away and wondering what Emma wanted to talk about.

"We haven't got long. I need to get back before they finish."

"So why did you want to meet me here?"

"Because we'll have a small degree of privacy. You never know who's listening and gossiping back there," Emma said, checking there was no-one within earshot.

Cat knew exactly what she meant. She felt eyes were on her at all times, which she knew was stupid and neurotic, but it was true. Small talk soon became a full-blown scandal when people had nothing better to do.

"So?" Cat looked at Emma, waiting for her to continue.

"He knows Cat." Emma knew it was pointless beating about the bush. She held her breath, waiting to see how Cat would react.

"Who ... knows ... what?" The words came out slowly and the hairs on Cat's arms started to prickle as she waited for a reply.

"I saw Shannon outside Jared's dressing room earlier," Emma said.

"When you were in there with Jared.

"Cat he knows what's happening.

"He left in tears.

"What were you thinking?"

Cat didn't know. All she knew was that when Jared offered her respite and affection, she fell into his arms, no questions asked. But it was the wrong time and the wrong place.

She tried bringing her breathing under control before saying anything. What had happened back there, only she and Jared would ever understand.

"I can't explain," Cat whispered. "It's impossible and I'm trying to sort things out. Please understand?" 

She knew Emma was powerless to do anything. It rested on her shoulders to find a way out of the labyrinth of emotional twists and turns that her life had taken.

Don't Call Me Cat!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant