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Roger arrived in Anna's room, she sent us a message saying that the two were waiting for us to drink wine. I meet Hero as soon as I open my door, what a coincidence, isn't it?

I hadn't talked to him after I left his room, I kept packing, thinking about everything I've been through since arriving in Atlanta the second time to shoot the movie. It was really another experience that I will never be able to put into words how perfect it was for me.

We met in front of Anna's door:



We stared at each other for a while and then Hero looked away and knocked on the door.

Roger was very happy when he opened:

"Ah if it's not my dear ones! Come in! Anna's house!"

Anna doesn't even talk, she was smiling from ear to ear, very delighted with the result of the shootings. We talked and laughed about everything that worked, what didn't, every reaction, every sensation, we opened about three bottles of wine, but I don't remember if we drank the third bottle, we lay on the floor and stayed there for a few hours, the four of us, continuing all the issues that came up in our thoughts.

Roger left after half a hour saying goodbye to Hero and Anna, he said to me:

"Jô, I swear that tomorrow will be your last day, then I'll release you okay?" I laughed and agreed with him.

"See you tomorrow..."

It was already late and we were too happy to remember to go back to our rooms. We all went back to the floor, lay there, continued to talk until we dozed off... Anna lay on the couch because she felt her spine hurt, but Hero and I slept right there, lying on the floor, passed out from wine and fatigue...

We closed our eyes slowly and saw that before sleeping, Hero, who was thrown across the room, put his arm in my direction trying to reach me, I reached back and touched our fingertips, after that we slept.

The mood was not as it was before, we knew that if we were together again it would be the time to say goodbye, and it would be even more difficult, neither of us wanted it, so, I think we both accidentally thought about the same thing. Get away, or at least try...

The next day I woke up with the clock, it was morning and Hero's flight will leave in four hours, I got up, I woke up both of them, went to my room, showered, I packed my things and came back to say goodbye to them. Upon entering Anna's room again, the two had already to leave, they stopped to receive me in a tight hug. Anna asked me to let her know when I got home in the next day. 

"Okay Anna!"

I looked at them both, deep in their eyes and thanked them for everything.

"Thank you, Jô, for being our Tessa, and for being this spectacular girl/woman."

Anna turned and I gave Hero a last hug, who squeezed me as hard as he could:

"Text me, I swear I'll answer you."

"I doubt it... But I will..."

We stared at each other again, I took his hand, gave a smile to him, and turned around letting go, he walks to the corridor. In the room I was decided, happy, with a sense of accomplishment, anxious to finish my last scene and then travel to see my family, my friends, I couldn't be better, until:


He runs up to me, at the end of the corridor, I go to him and I face him, he puts his hands on my face and kisses me passionately, his bags fall to the floor and I put my arms on his shoulders, kissing him back, he kisses me pull by the waist and wrap me in your arms, I massage your hair while the kisses become more intense and delicious.

We kissed for a long time, having him there with me brought me a feeling of security and tranquility. We stopped kissing and I hugged him tightly, I smelled him, and he smelled me, then I hear:

"Love you."

Very quietly, almost without sound, it makes me explode inside, I smile and answer back, whispering, as if it was our own secret:

"I love you Hero."

Then we looked at each other again, without saying anything else, just his look told me everything I needed, and I felt that for him it was the same. He picked up his bags, turned and went on his way, I did the same, taking a deep breath and feeling that this wasn't going to be our last goodbye.

I never imagined that saying goodbye to Roger would also be so difficult, he is a great director, really, and a great person, I am sure he will have a lot of success in the future. After we finished my last scenes in the next day, part of the prodution and the cameras who were still on the set clapped for me and for the work, Roger talked about how nice it was to meet me and I said the same thing to him, we held each other for a few good minutes and then I said goodbye to the others too, with mixed feelings happy and sad at the same time.

I went on my way to the airport, a path that was now home, for my family, a path that I didn't know for sure the end in the distant future, nor where it would take me, but I knew it would take me somewhere and that was exactly what I wanted.

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