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We recorded the video. It was late, but Anna still sent it on the official After's twitter account. I get nervous to record videos like that, and Hero knows that, so he offered to speak most of the information, I was relieved, I spoke only about the categories we won. During the video, we were embarrassed, our eyes met only once. As soon as we finished recording, everyone went to their room:

"See you tomorrow morning to go to the set together."

Anna was the first to leave, eager to post, and Hero the last, he didn't even look back. I didn't understand what was going on.

For an instant I regretted doing what we did the night before. I was angry, tired, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes and before going to bed, I wrote a message to Hero.

"If I had known you would be like this I wouldn't have given myself up to all this."

I sent it without going back and I lay down. I was too tired to think about anything else. Besides, Hero wouldn't see that message... But it was just thinking about it, that soon appeared a "typing..." on the phone screen, next to his name.

He was online and talking to me, but it took a long time to give the OK and send his message to me, until he stopped typing and didn't send any messages... He must have deleted it, I thought.

I tried to sleep again, I kept thinking about the message, but there was no notification to wake me up, because of that I couldn't sleep properly. I looked at the phone again and Hero was no longer online, it made me angry, so I got up, put on my pants and went to Hero's room, it was almost one o'clock in the morning, I knocked on his door and I heard someone move in the room, so I waited and when he opened it, his expression became serious:


"What's happening with you?"

"Nothing Jô, you came here..."

"You are weird after we were together, you don't text me to explain to me, what's happening?"

"Nothing... I'm just weird."

"I knew I should have walked away, now we stay in this mood... What is it? It was not good for you?"

"What? It was incredible Jô." He said with a slight smile on his mouth.

"What's going on then?"

"I said I'm a stranger to these things... That's all!"

"And are we going to stay like this then?"

"I don't know... Let's rest Jô, tomorrow is the big day... Leave it to our future selves..."

"No, I don't want that anymore Hero, I think it's better to get away, as we should have done a long time ago, in that first plan of forgetting what happened on your birthday and moving on, you know?"

"I didn't want that."

"But you're the one who's weird..."

Hero tries to get closer, but I pull away.

"No... It's better this way!"

I don't say anything else and I leave, leaving Hero in the same place. I hear his door close and I close mine, take off my pants and lie down trying not to think about everything that was going on. Focus on the movie, focus on the movie! I thought in my head: Tomorrow will be a great day.

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