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We were silent for a moment trying to figure out if there really was anyone knocking on the door. I was still on Hero, both panting and looking scared, when they hit again. I jumped out of bed straightening my hair and clothes, and Hero got up and put his shirt back on. I was desperate to realize that the beats were stronger and faster so I hid in the bathroom.

I know this is bullshit, but at the moment I was so desperate that was the first idea I had, and Hero supported me, still with a little smile on the corner of his mouth... That smile...

Opening the door, Hero was surprised to see the hotel receptionist:

"Mr. Hero, good evening, I'm sorry for the time, but a man left that note for you a little while ago at the front desk and asked me to personally deliver it because it was urgent."

From where I was hiding I couldn't quite hear what was going on, but quickly the door closed, and I stepped out of my hiding place.

"What's it?"

"Someone left a note for me at the front desk."

"Hum... Well, then I'll leave you to you read quietly and..."

As I spoke I was walking towards the door, but Hero grabbed my arm and wouldn't let me out.

"No Jô, stay here with me, I don't want to keep pretending we have nothing I... I like you."

"But you said we couldn't be together because you didn't want to hurt me!" The words came out of my mouth without my noticing.

"I know, but I can't be around you anymore without wanting to grab you!" Hero left me with no reaction after saying that, especially with his accent, I got lost...

"Me neither Hero."

He stared at me as he spoke and moved closer, but I stopped him.

"I think we better keep it the way it is... For the movie..."

"Jô, our approach will only help us in the movie! Well, I want to be with you! Do you want to stay with me?"

I looked at him again... He's so handsome... But I'm so afraid of something going wrong...

"What will happen when you return to London and me to my home?"

"I don't know, the only thing I know is that I want to spend these moments with you while we're still here."

I stared at him, smiled, but then looked at the note and did not contain the curiosity:

"What is written there?"

"Here? I don't know."

Hero started to open and read what was in his hand:

"Hero tomorrow I'll pick you up at the hotel to take you to lunch, I want to talk to you before we start shooting. A big kiss on that big forehead, Roger."

"Roger has no cell phone?" Hero said laughing, showing me the note.

"I think he knows you never read the things that people send to you..."

I laughed again and so did he, then looked at me and approached. I stared deep into his eyes as he ran his hand over my face, caressing me, then cupped my neck affectionately.

"Let's try Jô, if it doesn't work, we'll be back from the beginning."

"And you think that would work? Back to the beginning after all?"

"No," Hero said laughing, laughing at his hot laugh and then he followed:

"But who said it won't work, Jô?"

We got closer and a new kiss happened this time, more slowly, I felt another shiver on every part of my body.

Behind the Scenes - HerophineWhere stories live. Discover now