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I remembered the first time I met Hero, he arrived at the hotel where I was talking to Anna, she said he had already received a picture of me, and I had already seen him in the news that came out about After, but when he arrived I thought him was a little different, tall and too thin for Hardin, he didn't have Hardin's hair either, like in the book, but after getting to know him better, I understood why Anna had chosen him. Hero has an attitude in looking, walking, talking, not to mention his British accent, I gradually recognized the Hardin of the story.

Tessa, the girl who starts college and her life changes completely, was one of the last characters chosen, they called me two weeks before they started shooting After. In fact, I auditioned for Molly, had previously done work with a similar character. An attitude-filled girl who is always with his friends at parties, who stays with the principal guy, but who doesn't finish the story with him and who doesn't like the protagonist. When I won Tessa's role I was very happy and excited, I accepted without even thinking twice, my first experience as a protagonist in a movie!

Hero was very nice to me when we met, Anna introduced us while we were in the hotel hall in Atlanta, we went to dinner with the producers of the first movie and we were going to start rehearsing the next day. I knew Hero's humor that day, and I could see that he was anxious to start shoot. He has worked with some campaigns for famous brands, designer labels, and as a child did Tom Riddle on Harry Potter. His family members also work with cinema, so it was a honor for him to debut as the lead role in After.

He told me that he was rehearsing Hardin for a while for the script, but that he had not read the book, I laughed in the moment he said it, but for the faces he was making as he explained that he did not need to read because the first book is narrated by Tessa and not by Hardin. Hero has a deep and clear look, it took a while for me to let go with him, but the conversations were flowing, and we were quickly laughing at the things the other told. We finished eating and said goodbye, he was really tall, I became unbalanced when I kiss his cheek, giving another reason to laugh.

I liked that he was chosen for Hardin, I felt safe with him from the beginning, our energy was very good, even in the most difficult scenes, one always supported the other, while I wanted Hardin to appear more in the scene, he did the same for Tessa, I think that's why it worked so well.

Behind the Scenes - HerophineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora