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Last night was amazing, I finally got it right with Hero, which made me very happy. I went to my room after spending three hours talking while we cuddled and exchanged hot and long kisses.

I went to my room when I realized that Hero was almost asleep as I ran a hand through his hair. I tried to get out of bed slowly, but on the first move he woke up and asked if I wanted to sleep with him, still in a sleepy tone, but explained that I had better sleep in my room, imagine if Anna would decide to make a morning visit and find us there sleeping together, she would not understand anything. So we agreed to keep all this news between us only, if it didn't work out, which Hero didn't admit could happen, no one would know what happened between us...

I woke up with the alarm clock, it was seven o'clock in the morning, I took a shower and went to meet them in the cafe. I arrived and Hero was already there, attacking the bread and the other salty of the table, Anna was beautiful and full stirring the cell phone, having its morning coffee.

"Good Morning!" I said both with a smile on my face.

"Hi Jô, did you sleep well?" They both stare at me.

"Yes Anna, I slept very well!" I glanced quickly at Hero, who smiled slyly.

"I thought I heard footsteps on your door at dawn, I woke up to go to the bathroom and..."

Hero chokes on the bread and I stare at him from the corner of my eye, he starts laughing trying to disguise, he's terrible by the way...

"Maybe someone just missed the room," I said quickly so Anna didn't realize what had really happened.

"Yes!" Hero said quickly, too fast...

I looked at Hero, he was still staring at me with that little smile, raised the coffee cup to his mouth and winked at me, stating our secret and I smiled back, preparing my bread.

The coffee went on like this until we went upstairs to the rooms, Anna had to match the last details of the movie with the production technicians, Hero was having lunch with Roger as arranged through the note he sent, and I went to my room to memorize the lines from Tessa. I took off the pants I was wearing, just left the shirt and lay on the bed with the script in hand, when I hear knocking on the door and a whisper...


It was him.

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