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Hero had already told Anna everything, so she knew why we were acting strangely...

"Yes, I knew everything, the next day, before we said goodbye to go home, you were slow to wake up and I found Hero in the coffee shop. He looked confused, was tired and a little desperate, so he told me everything that happened."

"Oh Anna I don't believe it."

"Jô it's alright, you need to know that I'm here for you, I understand both of you, as I said, the feelings just happens, we can't control them, and it's such a beautiful thing! I always thought you had a amazing chemistry, by the way, I was sure I made the right choice when I first saw you two together, the way you looked at each other, how you treated each other, touched each other, all that."

"Anna, but it was all so weird, so fast, we didn't look at each other later, it took a while to talk normally again. The next day I met Hero in the hotel corridor just as we were heading to the airport. He was too embarrassed, and me too, he asked if I had gotten better, and I explained that I was confused and realized that he too, so we made a deal, that we were going to forget what had happened and go on with our lifes, and so it was. We said goodbye still at the hotel, I left before, and he went after. Our farewell was simple, we hugged and tried to ignore what happened the night before."

"Wow Jô, you two are so weird, you haven't even tried anything, these are feelings that need to come out or you explode."

"We just don't want to spoil everything."

"You need to understand that feel and live is not spoiling, spoiling something is when you miss a moment, when you give up to do something you want to do because you're afraid... This is spoil something..."

"Anna you're confusing me even more! It's already decided Hero and I are friends, we can't go beyond that, and I know he doesn't feel half the things I've felt."

"You think that, but you don't know if it's true, Jô."

"Do you really think Anna? Do you think he can feel something for me?"

"Maybe... Who knows? I just think you should talk to him, we think we know people, but we only see their superficial side... We only see inside of the people with their help..."

"He told me he can hurt me... Enough! Let's change the subject? This is already driving me crazy, soon he goes back to London and I will look for someone to supply my needs, and everything will be all right..."

"If you say so... But I'm here for whatever you need!"

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