42 - WEEK 3

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During the week many comments were being left on After's social media, and this time, it was about me. People thought that I was not liked by my companions, because I did not appear in the photos they posted, or that I was shy, or that they did not care about me.

Jen and Anna commented that yes, that I am loved by everyone, but that they respected my space, they explained themselves to the many people who had this doubt, it's my way really, I don't like to expose myself, that's all. I don't like taking pictures, and showing the world the things I do, I don't think it's cool... But I understand that people want to know about my day, and that today it is very common to be showing what we do.

This week we had many photo sessions, the producers also took advantage of the scenes for a few clicks, they are getting beautiful.

At this point in the film, we shooted at Vance's house, Tessa's boss, he and Kim were living together with their son Smith, who was being played by the beautiful Max Ragone. He was the cutest kid, he made us want to pick him up, squeeze and pinch his cheeks. I talked to him a lot and he told me about several absurd dreams he had.

Our Kim is just amazing too! Candice is beautiful, funny and a great actress, friend, she gave me a lot of advice, I even talked to her about Hero and I don't forget what she said to me:

"Do what you want, while you have a chance, without thinking about what will happen."

I shooted scenes with Hardin's mother, Trish. Louise was a wonderful choice, she is perfect for the role, her accent, her expressions, everything, helped me a lot when I had to give my lines. At the end of the shooting of our scenes, we lay in bed, she, Roger and I, to rest, the scene was good, but tiring, Roger did not waste time taking a photo with us.

Hero and I were fine, going back to the set together everyday. We shot a scene that was pending, Christmas, when Tessa and Hardin were closer than ever, she helped him through the situation with his family. Hero looked at me deeply, looked like he wanted something, whispering I asked him, while the production was preparing to start new scenes:


"You look beautiful."

"It is you who are beautiful."

"I didn't forget that we have something pending, that hindered us that day in my trailer..."

"Shiiiiu, they'll hear us... I'm glad you didn't forget..."

We continued the scene with the certainty of what we most wanted at that moment was try not to think about what we really wanted.

Candice commented over lunch while we were all together, that she was going to a football game in Atlanta, I remembered when I went with Shane to one, but this time I refused, I wanted to rest and be calm. Hero agreed to go with her. They took pictures of her and found him wearing a cap in the crowd.

Hero arrived at the hotel after the game, going straight to my room, he had already texted me updating the result, but nothing more. I was resting, listening to music and fiddling with the notebook when I hear the knock on the door, I get up to open it, but I hide behind it because I only have a blouse on. It could be Anna. But when I opened the door I saw him.

Hero was very happy, he sang rap as if he were doing his own show, he was very funny, he sang loudly, almost for the entire corridor to hear.

"Hero, are you crazy? They'll hear the noise you're making!"

He was smelling Vodka.

"Jô you're perfect."

"Okay crazy man, come in and stop screaming, because Anna just went into her room."

"But Jô you're beautiful!"

"Thank you, you are also beautiful!"

I pulled him into the room and sat him on my bed, he takes off his cap and puts it beside him, I take a glass of water from the small refrigerator in the corner of the room and when I turn to him, I laugh at his messy hair. I hand him the glass and try to fix his hair:

"Did you drink a lot?"

Hero shook his head as he took the water I gave him. And then he looked up at me.

"Jô I like you."

"I like you Hero."

I take the glass and place it on the dresser beside the bed, and I lay my head on the pillow, then he pulls me to be with him.

"Jô, will you stay with me after the movie?"

"After the movie?"


"Am I going to London or are you coming to Australia with me?"

Hero laughs, but gets thoughtful afterwards...

"We're not going to see each other anymore, are we?"

"We manage to see each other, don't think about it now."

"I'm tired..."

"Also, you guys are crazy! Do you get tired of shooting and go watch a game?"

Hero of the other laugh, he was already settling in my bed and closed his eyes, I looked at him for a few moments, I stroked his hair and arranged him on the bed, I lay down beside him, I put my leg over his body, and we slept embraced again, it was becoming routine.

I woke up after that day with Hero dropping something on the floor:

"Sorry, I got up running, didn't remember I came here last night, did I say a lot of nonsense?"

I laughed with him, shook my head and looked at the clock, there was still an hour left for coffee, we usually went down every day at the same time to meet Anna before we went to the set together.

"It's still early..."

Hero lies down with me again:

"It's been great to spend that time with you."

"I say the same", I look at him, he looks at me, we look at each other for a few seconds:

"I'm going to take a shower."

"If you want you can use my shower."


Hero got up and went to the bathroom, I controlled myself to the maximum not to get up and go with him, but when he is around, I completely lose control of my actions...

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