
Start from the beginning

"Here's the thing: it's got to be perfect," Mr. Schue said firmly, "I'm sitting down with Emma's parents to ask for permission, and then this proposal needs to knock her well-washed socks off. And that's where you guys come in, okay? So the assignment for the week is to come up with a proposal number. And you know Ms. Pillsbury – it's got to be perfect."

The kids looked at each other and they had the same thought on their heads, they were going to make the best proposal ever.

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"How about I sing a Taylor Swift song?"

That was the first thing that Nathalie asked after she approached the table where Tina, Quinn, Bea and Momo were sat, and the four girls gave Nathalie a confused look.

Sure, Nathalie was still trying to get along with the new dynamic with the group because Quinn and Momo have feelings for her and she doesn't know who to choose.

"Which song were you thinking?" Quinn was the first one to question and Nathalie gave her a wide smile, "I'm glad you ask!"

Nathalie happily exclaimed and sat down next to her, where she laid her hand on top of hers, "remember when we used to have our weekly karaoke nights and we would sing Love Story and You Belong With Me till it was 3am?"

If you could see Quinn you'd see her wearing the brightest smile you could ever see while she remembered how simple their relationship was and how she deeply missed it.

"I do, I loved those nights! Are you thinking on singing one of the songs?"

"Both, actually."

"I'm intrigued," Bea spoke and rested her head on top of her interlaced hands, giving Nathalie her full attention, making the latter chuckle and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, sis, but time will tell."

"So, we'll never know," Tina sighed in defeat, "just great."

"Have faith in Nat, guys. She wants to give Mr. Schue the best performance and kick Rachel in the butt," Momo tried to ease everyone and gave a wink towards Nathalie, "I thought we already knew how Nattie is."

"You know me so well," Nathalie chuckled and got up from her seat, "I have to go and practice. See you in chem!"

"See ya!" the five girls bid their goodbyes, all going to their respective classes.

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After the successful performance between Rachel, Tina, Mercedes, Santana and Bea, Nathalie decided to summon Mr. Schue to the auditorium to show her own version on Love Story and hope that the teacher would choose this song.

"Nathalie! I'm so sorry I'm late, Coach Sue decided to give me one of her interesting talks," the older man spoke as he walked down the stair of the auditorium and gave the girl, who was seating on a small bench with the guitar given by Finn on her lap, "you told me you want to show me what you got?"

"Yes," Nathalie confirmed and adjusted the strap of the guitar, "I believe this song is the perfect choice for a wedding proposal and it does relate to you two a bit. If you think of it, your relationship started as forbidden, because you were married and Emma was already in love with you and was trying to do everything for you to notice her. Then, in the end, the guy in the song, aka now you, proposes to the girl, aka Emma, and live happily ever after."

Why does this sound so familiar to her?

Maybe because that's how her relationship with Quinn started. Forbidden. God, she hate yet she loves that word. It's kind of bittersweet for her, she loved those late night hookups where no one knew about what they were doing behind closed doors. But she hated because she was dating someone else, Finn. And she wanted to be with Quinn, to hold her hand in the hallway, to go on cute little dates where they would just look at the sky and dream about the future, or go to a karaoke bar where they would show off everyone their awesome chemistry, or would just drive around town while listening to Taylor Swift-

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