Heavenly Birthday

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Today we celebrate yer birthday,

A life ye no longer get ti live.

We wake up in the morning,

An realise whit day it is.

Ye feel a sharp pain in yer chest,

Like yer heart has started ti bleed.

You look oot ti the distance,

An wonder how ye'll get by.

Anither birthday withoot ye,

Yer no longer in oor lives.

We can no longer crack a joke,

Or tike a walk doon by i pier.

I can no longer hear yer voice,

From the words ye can no longer speak.

Picking horses disna feel i same,

Now that ye canny help me.

Watching the horses on the telly

Disna feel right any mare.

There's a kind o silence

When the horse comes in.

There is nae excitement,

Coming from yer chair.

I sit arround an listen,

Wishin a cold hear ye sing

Right said Fred as the kettle boils.

I canna get at blastit sang,

Oot o ma heed.

Every time a sing it

I always hink o you.

An hink of ah the memories,

oh ye making yer brew.

The knife vibrates aff i counter,

As ye play i tune.

Duncing roon i kitchen,

I sing alang fir a moment or two.

The hoose it seen fell silent,

Nae stumblin through i door.

Nae mare teeth flushed doon the lavi,

Nae mare sleeping on i landing.

Nae body can make yer toffee taste i same,

nae matter how hard they try.

Once ye left it lost it's taste,

An was never found again.

Nae mare partans stinking oot i hoose,

Nae mare clawin ti be done.

I ken i family misses em,

But ana feel i same.

A'v never liked yer partans,

They've a boggin taste.

Ere's nae whistling doon i shore,

Cause ye've nae been on yer walks.

I still mind the route ye used ti take,

Ye did it fir as lang.

I've no done at walk in since afore ye deed.

An i wish that we had deen it

Just one last time.

This year it feels harder,

Nae havin ye around.

So many things has happened,

So many things a wish ye'd seen.

I wish ye were here so a could dee ye proud,

Ti see i smile on yer face.

Two lang years it has been,

Since i last seen yer smile.

Two lang years it has been,

Since i last heard ye laugh.

Two years and five months hiv gone by,

Since ye never woke.

Noe it is yer birthday,

An ah a feel is broke. 

Poetry Collection : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now