Wish Upon A Star

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I used to Look up at the sky at night

I used to wish upon a star

Hoping my dreams would come true

I would wish,

I would wish,

I would wish upon a star

But none of It came true,

Peoples leaving,

Peoples dying,

Peoples Hurting

And Peoples crying

None of the pain went away

I used to wish upon a star

But now i just look up and stare

Not a wish comes out.

It broke my heart,

I used to wish my pain would leave

I used to wish the tears would stop

flowing down my face

I used to wish that people would stop hurting

I used to wish people would stop dying.

Every day i hear the phone,

My heart drops inside my chest

and i begin to panic

Nothing makes the fear go away.

I was scared to live,

I was scared to Die,

I was scared of my whole life.

I used to wish it would all disappear,

I used to wish upon a star,

hoping my dreams would come true.

I would wish

I would wish

I would wish upon a star,

But none of my dreams came true. 

Poetry Collection : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now