The Hospital Express

4 1 0

I wake in the morning,

And i hear the clunking

Coming in the ward.

I take my eye mask away from my eyes,

And i look up and see the light.

I realise it's morning, It's time to get up.

Can you smell the bread?

After our breakfast it's time for a wash,

I've got to get ready,

There's things to do.

I watch the time simply go by,

Till it's close to half nine.

I put on my trainers,

And get the notebook out.

It's time to talk about my past,

About my feelings and about my life.

It's not easy, I don't like to talk,

I hide my feelings

And i'll act tough.

But something unusual starts to begin,

I open my mouth and the truth comes out.

A whole hour later i walk out the room,

Feeling much better, much stronger.

Now what do i do?

I put my things back where they belong,

And take a seat on the green chair.

Here comes the doctor to help me out,

To make me feel better, What a good shout.

I trust this doctor, I don't know why,

But i'm open about my life.

It's half eleven it's time for OT,

I put on my trainers as i see them walk in.

Off we go down to the gym,

Where i make myself beans on toast.

My beans exploded in the micro,

While i forgot to plug in the toaster.

It all ended pretty well.

Nothing broke, nothing got burnt,

That is what i call success.

I make it back in time for lunch,

Poetry Collection : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now