Christmas Day

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I hear a patter against my window,

I lift my head up off my pillows.

I open up my blinds to see,

The snow flakes lying all around,

The snow flakes lying on the ground.

There's a cold winter chill in the air,

You better wrap up nice and warm.

So grab your gloves and grab your hat,

Wrap your scarf around your neck.

Do you hear the jingle of the bells,

Coming from the streets.

I open my front door to see,

The santa's gathered in the streets.

I glance at the red robing chirping it's way around,

Leaving little foot prints softly in the snow.

I can't help but let out a little smile,

At such a beautiful sight.

But soon Christmas will be said and gone,

The snow will melt just over night.

I'm thankful for the warmth i have,

On such a cold and windy day.

Not everyone has a place to go each and every day,

Which makes me thankful for all that i have every single day.

I walk through to the living room ,

And turn on the Christmas tree.

I stare at all the Christmas baubles,

Are they meant to fill me with glee?

I think back to the good times,

When life seemed so much easier.

When Christmas felt like Christmas,

Filled with love and laughter.

I look down at my presents,

And i'm thankful for each and everyone.

But i don't need any presents,

Just the ones i love.

Spend the day with the ones you love,

Remind yourself of how important they are.

It's not about the presents that lay under the Christmas tree,

But it's about who we are on the inside.

About the love we give each other,

And the kidness that we share.

So fill your home with laughter,

Fill your home with glee.

Count yourself blessed for the ones you have sitting by your side,

Remember those you love

And those you've lost with time.

Set aside the sadness if only for just one day.

Be with the ones who love you

And help the ones in need.

For not everyone is luck to have a warm home,

To share their Christmas day. 

Poetry Collection : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now