Disgusted Traits 2/7

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You're disgusted with the way you look,

You never feel enough.

You're always disapproving

When you want to share.

You're always disappointed,

When you don't do enough.

When you cancel plans,

It makes you feel awful inside.

Some days you are repelled by how you look,

It makes you want to be sick

I'm always judgemental,

When it comes to the things i do.

Have I over done it? Or am i slacking off?

I was embarrassed with the way i was,

I never felt enough.

I'm appalled of all the things i said,

When i was feeling hurt.

I'm revolted by the things i believed,

Which has made me feel this way.

I hate the way i bring myself down ,

When i'm feeling happy.

It horrifies me to think

I hesitate when i want to share.

I never tell a soul,

I kept my feelings to myself. 

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