I'll See You On The Other Side

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Crying is the only way that helps share my hearts emotions,

when the words can't be expressed,

To show how much my heart is broken.

Even though I knew your death was coming,

I couldn't prepare myself for how it felt

when I realised your heart was no longer beating.

I thought saying goodbye would be the hardest,

but the truth Is learning to live with out you is.

You carry on in life trying to fill the void,

trying to mend your heart as if It had never been broken.

I wake up in the mornings praying you are still with us,

but soon I am reminded you were taken away from us.

I know you are in a happy place filled with love and laughter,

surrounded by the family who have long left us,

but part of me can't help but wish you would have just stayed with me.

You should be here in our lives,

Not partying it up in the skies.

We always think we will have more time,

We have more love and have more life

but the truth is no one ever knows when it will go away.

I hide the tears when I say your name

but the pain in my heart still remains.

The happy memories hurt the most,

knowing we will never be able to have more.

One day i'll see you on the other side

but for now always stay by my side.

Poetry Collection : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now