Your Bad Mentality 3/7

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You're tired of the world

Because you've been through so much pain.

You are bored of all the negativity

That surrounds you.

You've simply had enough.

Your mind is always busy,

Always overthinking.

You never give yourself a break,

You're running on thin wire.

I don't know how you do it,

How are you not tired?

Life always seems to stress you out,

It never goes your way.

You go through your day unfocused ,

There's too much on your mind.

You're always feeling sleepy,

But you never let yourself rest.

Sometimes you feel out of control,

You barely have control.

The overwhelming feeling

Surges through your veins.

You feel rushed to make a difference

Feel rushed to make a choice and to change.

You pressure yourself to do better,

And hate yourself when you don't.

You're trying to find your place in life,

You always found it hard.

You're bad at making choices,

But it's what you must do,

To find your place inside this world,

First of all you must find you. 

Poetry Collection : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now