The Last Farewell

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You give no one a last farewell,

You simply slipped away.

One moment you were laughing,

The next you were gone.

You left us far too early,

It was not your time.

The ones you love have shed a million tears,

Wishing you were here.

They look at all the memories,

That you've shared in time.

Thinking of the moments

When you were still alive.

Wishing for one last moment

Just to say goodbye.

If love alone could save you,

You would still be here.

You were loved by many,

You were loved by all.

Even in death the love remains,

That will never fade away.

In our heart we hold a place,

For you and all our memories.

Even though we knew your death was coming,

We couldn't prepare ourselves

For the heartbreak we would feel

To not have you in our lives.

The fact you are no longer here

Will always cause us pain.

We hide the tears when we say your name,

Not ready to accept you're gone.

Not ready to accept you spread your wings

And flew up to the skies.

We know that you are happy now,

A place where there's no pain.

We know that you're with family,

Looking down on us

But that doesn't take our pain away.

You will never be forgotten,

As long as we're still living

We will think of you each day.

Goodbyes are not forever,

We'll see you on the other side,

We will meet again. 

Poetry Collection : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now