The Hospital Coffee Shop

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The coffee mugs are stacking up,

People come and go.

Patients going back to bed,

Visitors off to see their family.

But they ah come here for a coffee.

Each one claim a table,

Each different from before.

They sit doon wae their coffee mug

Sipping it away.

They cut their scone doon in half,

Spread on the butter and the Jam.

This is the first they've ate iday,

They forgot about their needs.

I look all around me,

Not one person is the same.

Some are smiling the day away,

Having a laugh and joke.

Others have tears in their eyes,

Their faces wet with all the tears they've cried.

Some patients get to go home today,

Other have to stay another day.

Peer auld polly's wanting hame,

But she canny leave.

Peer John just wants his ain bed.

Sandras missing her peer wee dogs,

While Tanya clakes aboot her cats.

The coffee shop sees many faces,

People come and go.

but i garantee you one thing

This place will no be empty,

It'll never close.

The hospital coffee shop

is always on the go. 

Poetry Collection : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now