Chapter Thirty-Six

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I walked into the house without knocking heading directly into the living room. I stopped as I heard fussing coming from upstairs, following the noise I ended in the boys room.

"I want to go with Bubba." Josiah said crying.

She sighed,"She's coming, go and get a towel to wipe your face."

Mason was packing his bag while Malissa fussed at Josiah.

Mason rolled his little eyes,"Well I want to stay with mom but you don't see me crying about it."

"Mason!" Malissa fussed putting clothes into Josiah overnight bag.

I stepped from the door and grabbed the bag from Malissa making her jump.

"I'll do it." I told her picking out Josiah some clothes.

She walked out the room I'm assuming to go and finish getting dressed. As I packed the clothes the boys stood up.

"We will be downstairs watching tv." Mason said walking out the room with Josiah following closely.

I finished up with the bag and sat it down. When I walked passed Malissa room door, I debated whether or not I wanted to go in. There's no need for me to go in there. Well I do need to tell her I'm leaving. I shrugged and walked in to see her pulling on her pants.

"I'm leaving."

She huffed under her breath,"You seem to say that a lot."

Deep breath. Calm down.

I looked over her body as she put on her clothes. She looks....bigger, a good bigger. No stop Sam, your suppose to be mad at her but I do miss waking up to her every morning, listening to her talk in her sleep in another language.

"What time do you get off work?" I asked her leaning on the door frame.

"I don't know. Why?"

"Just asking." I said nonchalantly.

"I think we should have counseling."

I rolled my eyes,"I don't need anyone telling me how I should be or act in a relationship. I'm not going."

"This is not just a relationship, we're married!" She was getting louder.

Before this could get out of hand, I quickly turned around heading for the door,"We can talk about that later because your late for work and I have to put the boys in the car."

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss. This time I kissed her back. Although she was kissing with love, I was kissing with confusion.

She pulled away and said,"I love you, so much."

I nodded,"Love you too."

Walking downstairs the boys looked at me I motioned with my head to tell them come on. They quickly followed me outside as I buckled Josiah down, Mason look at us.

"Can you turn on the tv bubba?" Josiah asked grabbing a movie.

Mason continued,"And can I see your phone to get on Snapchat?"

I handed Mason my phone and I looked at my watch when I got in the car. 4:00 P.M. As I turned on the tv I asked out loud.

"So what do you boys want to do?" I asked over my shoulder.

They was into the movie and didn't answer back. I shrugged and drove to the nearest arcade which was an hour away.


"How much do you want to put on the card?" The girl at the register asked me.

Mason and Josiah was sitting in the waiting room, still having my phone.

"Fifteen dollars each on three cards." I answered while looking over the prices.

I handed her the money as she handed me the cards. When I walked away she called me back to give me the receipt.

"Mom wants to speak to you." Mason said handing me the phone.

I grabbed the receipt and nodded walking towards the arcade with the phone in my hand. I looked at the phone and slightly rolled my eyes as the boys went to the games.


She hissed,"I was just calling to check on the boys."

"You don't have to call every hour to check on the boys Malissa." I told her then ended the call.

I walked to the driving games and sat in between the Mason and Josiah. As the race finished I joined in on the next one.

Josiah looked behind me and whispered,"My teacher is here, don't look back she might come over."

I nodded and stood up behind Josiah seat while he continued playing against Mason. This race was actually a close one with Mason being in first and Josiah in second. Mason was smiling the whole way to the finished line until Josiah used his launched button and flew passed him at the last minute.

His smile dropped as his eyes started to water.

"You cheated." He whispered when the tears started to fall.

Josiah giggle under his breath and shook his head,"Let's just play basketball."

They both stood up and rushed to the basketball section of the arcade. Someone grabbed my arm forcing me too look at them.

"Hello." Isabelle spoke.

Josiah went pale but continued to play basketball. What's wrong with that guy? I wondered.

"Hey." I greeted back.

She looked towards the boys,"I didn't know you have kids."

"I actually have a little girl, Jesabelle." She continued.

"These my only two."

Mason stop trying to shoot the ball and turned around, his eyes went wide in shocked as he looked her up and down,"I'm Mason."

She giggled,"I'm Isabelle."

We continued talking amongst each other until our time was over. When we left the arcade and headed home. I played soft music all the way hoping the kids fall asleep which they did.


I put them into their beds and walked to my room and laid across the bed. My phone started to ring I quickly answered it without looking at the caller I.D.

The person didn't say anything but I got a message.

'This is Isabelle, I couldn't go to sleep can you stay on the phone until I do?'

'Sure Goodnight.'

It was an odd answer but it felt good at the moment. I put the phone on charger and laid it beside my pillow.

This is nice.


The Doctor (Book 1) (GxG)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang