Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Years later.. about six


Well I'm married to Malissa, with two kids, Mason and Josiah Addams. Josiah is one year behind Mason, Malissa made me try again so she could have a little girl but it was a boy again. As in 'made me' I mean she literally wrapped her legs around me during sex so I couldn't pull out.

We didn't have a wedding, but we went to the courthouse. I also have a couple of tattoos now but not too many although that's off the subject.

"Come on Malissa, it's just dinner." I said standing over her.

She rolled her eyes,"Go check on the kids, especially Mason."

Walking towards the door,"You don't tell me what to do."

I walked into the boys room to see Josiah sitting on the bed staring at Mason as he runs around.

"Mason stop playing and get dressed."

He jumps,"Moms ready?"

I shook my head,"Come on Josiah so I can brush your hair."

Mason looked back at us,"I like it better when mom does my hair."

He grabbed the brush and ran out the room.

"Because she's the only one that can tame it." I mumbled.

I finished brushing Josiah hair and put the brush on the dresser,"Come on let's go."

We walked out into the hallway passing Malissa and I room, I looked over at my shoulder at Josiah as he followed me towards the garage.

"Which vehicle?" I ask aloud.

"The truck." He answered immediately causing me to smile.

I opened the back door of the truck so he could get in.

As I buckled him down he said,"Bubba can you turn on the tv?"

I nodded and pressed the button to open the garage door so we wouldn't die.

"If you going with me you better bring your ass!" I yelled upstairs childishly.

When I entered the truck Malissa and Mason came down, as she finished buckled Mason down I turn on the tv for Josiah.

"What do you want to watch Josiah?" I asked over my shoulder.


"No." Malissa answered him.

"You both are to young for Norbit, you can watch Peppa Pig or Spongebob but Norbit is a most definitely no go." She continued.

She grabbed the CDs out my hand then put Spongebob on. As the lights went out and I started to drive to the restaurant, Malissa smacked me on the arm a little.

She mumbled,"Stop cursing in front of the children."


"You have a beautiful family." The waitress said to me as she led us to the table.

"Thank you."

We sat down as she passed out the utensils wrapped in napkins,"What can I get all of you to drink?"


"Sprite for me too and HiC for them." Malissa answered watching the girl.

She nodded,"I will be right back too take y'all order."

My phone started to vibrate with a text message, Monica.

'You should help around the club tonight, or you have to ask Malissa can you come too work?'

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