Chapter Two

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The first day at home was complete chaos. My mother was constantly checking on me, trying to force me to eat. I understand her checking on me, but a Little personal space would do the trick.

So, the second day, I decided to sneak to school anyway, without my mom permission of course, so if that mean I had to wake up extra early, I would do it.

I quietly tipped-toed downstairs trying not to wake mom, as I headed to the door I heard someone waking up, so I quickly open the door an closed it on my way out.

It was still dark out so I had to be very careful. On the walk to school, a few cars passed me here an there so I was graceful for the light.

"Ouch." It was my shoulder, who new skinny boys could be so strong?

I stopped to examine it, lifting my shirt, there was a hideous mark, it was a blue and purple.

I sigh as I continued my way into the building of the school, I headed straight for first period ignoring the stares I was getting.

I walked into the class, quietly with my head down, and pulled out my headphones and phone until the bell rung for first period.

I gently put my head down, on the opposite side from the side that is messed up an closed my eyes. Then I felt someone tapping my shoulder.

I lifted my head, it was the Matthew boy from yesterday.

"I was wondering if anyone was sitting here?" He asked shyly, turning red.

I gently shook my head an he gracefully slid into the uncomfortable desk. Then the bell rung indicating for first period, so much for a eye rest?

The teacher started calling roll, when she finished she handed out a packet an told us to work on it until the bell ring.

When the bell did ring, I was just about finished. I stood up heading to my locker to sit these book down because it was causing more pain to my shoulder.

The same boy that pushed my shoulder, stood against my locker, I turned around heading to class only to bump into that Matthew kid.

"Sorry." I told him trying to go around.

"Trying to get into your locker? Wait here." He said an before I could protest he had my locker open an the popular kids was no where to be seen.

"How did you even open my locker?" I murmured embarrassed that I couldn't stand for my own battles.

Before he could reply, a female voice broke him off,"Sam?"

I turned around only to be faced with my doctor, uh oh.

I mustered up one of my fakest smile I could,"Yes?"

She sigh,"Your supposed to be at home, your face can get infected."

Ok, she definitely was calling me ugly.

"It's boring at home, I can't afford to miss school." I said back in an irritated toned.

"Come on, let's go, I checked you out from the office already." She said motioning for me to follow her.

"I could take you home." Matthew said.

She suddenly stop, an turned around with her arms across her chest. Was she angry because he offered to take me home?

"I got it, we have to stop by my office to get her some more of that cream." She said breathing in an out.

He nodded,"See you when you come back to school, Sam."

Sam? Me? I don't even know him, he could be a mass murder for all I know. I quietly followed the doctor, that I still didn't know the name too, outside to her car.

"Was that your boyfriend?" She asked when she pulled off from the school.

I laughed, if only she knew.

I didn't answer her, why would I? I don't know her, she don't know me, well she could of consider the fact she got my file at her office.

We eventually pulled up to the doctors office,"Wait here, it would not take me long."

I pulled out my phone an started reading on Wattpad. It usually calms me down after a long day. The doctor opened the car door an handed me the cream before pulling herself up into the tall truck.

"How did you know I was at school? Why did you come to pick me up and not my mom?" I asked, question after question desperate for a answer.

"I called your mom to confirm if the cream was working on on your face, but when she went to check on you, you wasn't there. So she called the school an asked was you in the building, I was on my way pass anyway so I volunteered to pick you up." She said eyeing the road.

Reaching in her arm rest, she passed me a GPS to put my address in.

"I've never known a doctor to pick up her patient from school." I murmured.

"Your right, I guess you could say I'm one of a kind." She smiled.

It was quiet the rest of the ride to the house, when we pulled into the driveway, my mother was already at the door ready to greet the 'oh so brilliant doctor' that I have yet to learn the first name of.

"Sam! You left me to sneak off to school!?" She groaned.

Ignoring her, I walked into the house, going upstairs to my bedroom to put my bag down.

As I was walking downstairs I heard my mother talking,"How could I repay you for fetching Sam?"

"No need. I was heading in this direction anyway." The doctor politely declined.

"Well can I at least invite you over for dinner Friday night?" My mother says with those pleading eyes of hers.

The doctor laughed a little,"Sure."

I continued on downstairs going into the kitchen to grab something to drink, I wasn't all that hungry. I slowly climbed the stairs, heading back to my room only to be stopped by my mother.

"Did you tell Malissa Thank you?" She said motioning to the doctor.

Malissa? Not bad.

"Thanks." I said then continued upstairs.

"No problem." She whispered still watching me.

I launched my the bed until it was time to go to work, yes I have a job, I don't want to depend on my mother forever.


The Doctor (Book 1) (GxG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora