Chapter Five

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Her lips actually felt soft enough to kiss them for a long period of time. I pulled away an stood up an walked into my closet to change clothes to have lunch with the girl I bumped into this morning.

She then texted my phone while I was standing in the closet, I walked out only to see the doctor holding it reading my messages.

"You read your patients messages too?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Then why do you have my phone?" I asked annoyed.

She then looked up at me like she was questioning me with my own phone.

"I was looking at the time." She murmured.

Even though I knew she was lying I nodded my head and continued to get dressed. When I finished I looked in the mirror to checkout my clothes which consist of a baby blue button down an khaki pants with my hair flowing down my shoulders in a wavy pattern.

"Where are you going?" She asked eyeing my choice of clothing.

"Out to lunch." I said looking back at her praying she don't try to stop me this time.

"Ok." She nodded.

"When are you going back to work?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Today. After I leave here." She then laid back on my bed and inhaled covers smell.

"Does that mean I won't have to see you again?" I asked slightly getting excited.

She raised up and look at me with a questionable facial expression.

"Are you excited?" She looked at me with those hard blue eyes.

"How old are you?" I asked her.


I shrugged and glanced down at my phone,"Well um I have to get going, bye."

As I walked out the door my mom told me to be safe. I got into my truck and pulled out of the driveway. I then received a text.

I'm already seated, at In an Out.

As I drove there I thought about my doctor, was she aloud to be with her patients? Was she aloud to kiss them? Even sleep in the bed with them? All kinds of questions ran threw my head as I pulled into a empty parking space.

I walked into the restaurant to see the unknown girl standing waving trying to get my attention causing me to laugh at her behavior.

"Hey stranger." She then pulled me into a hug.


We then sat down and started talking about random things until our orders came.

"So how's your love life?" She asked while drinking so if her soda.

Love life? Other than that little kiss this morning I really don't have a love life.

"Well I been single for a long time now." I said looking her in her eyes.

"What!? But you are beautiful." She said then grabbed my hand an intertwined our fingers.

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

"What about you? You should have boys and girls laying at your feet with that look." I said making her blush.

"I don't like girls, but I had an ex-boyfriend who left me for my cousin." She shrugged.

She don't like girls? Damn. As we finished eating an talking it was staring to get late.

"I think we should be friends. Should we hang out more?" I asked her smiling.

"Sure, but I have to get your name first. Mines Monica." She said with a chuckle.

"Sam." We then stood up an hugged then I went home.


As I entered the house, my mom called out to me.

"Yes mom?" I asked while sitting beside her.

"How was your date?" She asked sipping her coffee.

"I didn't go on a date. We went to lunch but it was fine." I said smiling at the thought of me and Monica's conversation.

She nodded,"Your doctor seems to like you a lot."

I shrugged,"If you say so."

She literally face-palmed herself and look at me.

"How naive can you be? She likes you for Christ sake!" She said almost yelling.

"I like her too mom, I think she's a cool doctor." I said then stood up to get me a glass of water.

She abruptly put her coffee cup on the counter and storm out the room murmuring to herself. What's up with her?

I walked up to my room an sat on my bed then started to play my game. Mmm, I should try out for sports at school. Let's see, basketball? No, everybody plays that. Cheerleading? Hell no. Soccer? I'm good. Softball? Yes! That's it. I looked up a few softball games online, it doesn't seem so hard although Looks can be deceiving.

I then received a message from Monica.

'I forgot to ask, but what school do you attend?'

I texted her back then put my phone on charger. While my phone charged I continued to play my game waiting on the next day too come.

The Doctor (Book 1) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now