Chapter Three

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I was washing down the bar countertop dreading the 5:00 hour. As if everyone knew when the club got full, people started to fill in. It didn't take to long for the club dance floor to be covered with drunken people.

"Sam take this too table 4." Margaret, my boss, command me softly.

I nodded taking they tray off her hands. I carefully walked passed the crowd trying not to waste or stain my clothes from the food.

I sat the tray down on the table and said,"The total of your food is..$7.89."

The customer chuckled,"I didn't know you work here."

I swiftly looked up as she passed me her money and nodded my head.

"I do." I said giving her a receipt.

"Enjoy your night." I walked back towards the bar wishing that I wouldn't have to go back to her table tonight. I looked around for Margaret, when I did find her she was on the phone in her office.

I knocked lowly on the door causing her to put her finger up slightly telling me to wait.

"Ok bye." She ended the call then looked at me with both eyebrows raised.

"I was wondering can I leave early? I don't feel to good." I said trying to muster up the most sad face I could get.

"Sure, sure." She said with a dismissing hand movement.

I nodded an went to the kitchen to grab my stuff. I stood outside, waiting for the cab I called 5 minutes ago.

"I could give you a ride." I heard just as the cab pulled up beside me.

"I'm good." I got in the cab car, told him the directions an we was on our way.


The next day, I didn't wake up until 12:00 that evening expecting my mother to be gone, I started to get excited then my mood shot down as I heard talking in the living room.

I quickly took a shower, brushed my hair an walked downstairs to see the doctor an my mom talking, about me. I walked into the kitchen not speaking to them an grabbed my mom car keys.

"I'm leaving." I told my mom as I passed them for the second time that evening.

"Sam!" She said loudly but I just ignored her.

As I got in the car, I started it, waiting for it to get to the perfect temperature for me, soon the passenger door open an in came my doctor.

"I'm going with you." She said looking at me waiting for the car to move.

When I started to drive around town, my stomach start to growl, so I pulled into a Macdonalds drive through an order me a number 2.

"I'll have the same." The doctor said into the mic.

Her body was halfway over mines but I could feel her breast pressed against my should causing my breathing to become unsteady.

When she leaned back into her right position she glance at me,"Are you okay?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" She asked, I shrugged not having anything to talk about.

"Do you want me to leave this car?" When did this get to be 21 questions?

"That's up to you, I didn't force you to get in." I said pulling up to grab the food.

After I paid for both orders I drove around to the grocery store, only to be irritated as I noticed the doctor was following me into the grocery store.

I grabbed the cart then walked to then frozen food isle to get some ice cream as I turned the corner after getting the ice cream I ran into Matthew.

"Hey Sam!" He smiled shyly.


"I haven't seen you, I was worried." He said with a sad look in his eyes.

"I was at home because of my face, remember." I said while stretching my arms.

Someone cleared their throat, but I didn't dare to look back.

"Oh hey! Sam doctor right?" Matthew asked the woman behind me.

"Yes, it's me."

He nodded then turned back to me,"I was wondering, do you want to hang out this weekend? Just as friends."

I shrugged,"It doesn't matter."

He put his number into my phone an quickly bared his farewell. After I was finished with getting some little stuff I craved for, I paid for it an walked to the car.

"I am here you know." The doctor said walking beside me.

Was this woman gone mad? I know she was here.

When we enter the car, my phone vibrated saying I had a text message.

Just letting you know this Matthew.

I read it, an decided not to text back.

"Your not going with him, your face still need to heal." She said to me.

"I am going."

She sighed," Sam your face could get infected."

I didn't reply making her groan out of frustration. My face ain't infected now an I been out 2 hours an some minutes. So what makes her think just by going with him my face will get infected?

The Doctor (Book 1) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now