Chapter One

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Hello, my name is Sam. Today is my last first day of high school, not that I wish to take it over again. I'm quite excited actually, I don't get to be that weird girl anymore. I can finally go out to meet new friends.

As I walk downstairs my mother greeted me,"Good morning."

I simply waved, not wanting to start any conversation. I grabbed my bag an walked out the door heading towards school, walking. If I don't walk, I wouldn't be able to go to school because I don't have my own car yet.

I don't mind walking, it gives me time to think, think. That one action that could drive me insane. Although it's also good to think, to let your mind wonder around.

I walked passed the student parking lot earning a few glares here an there. I used to care, but when I got older I understood that no matter who you where or what you wear, there will always be someone who doesn't like you simply for being you.

I walked towards my locker to put my books in so I wouldn't have to carry so much around, only to be pushed into the locker by a couple of other kids that I didn't know the name too.

"Watch it freak." The tall boy said.

I was ready to fight back but he had his friends to surround me.

I nodded an stood up quickly walking away causing them too laugh. Deciding against stopping at my locker again today I quickly made my way to last period.

I walked into the class noticing it was only one seat left next to a boy. I quietly sat down not wanting to cause more attention on me than I had this morning.

He looked over at me,"Matthew."

I looked at him, then started to pay attention to the instructor. This was math class an so far all my years of school I was passing but barely passing. I try, I try so hard, I guess I don't try hard enough.

The bell rung loudly dismissing everyone. I gathered my things an walked out the door, as I walked passed the student parking lot a girl ran over and tripped me causing me to fall an damage my face by sliding across the concrete.

"Oops." She giggles while her friends record. I quickly stood up an jogged the rest of the way home, not wanting to get humiliated again.

When I walked into the house my mother gasped,"What's happened to your face!"

I bowed my head a little,"I tripped and fell on my way home."

I wasn't a half of a lie, I just didn't want her to be worried about me.

"These bruises are in pretty bad shape, let's get you to the doctors to have a check." She said in a rush to find her keys.

"What? No, mom I'm fine." I said an tried to smile, but everything I said went threw one of her ears an out the other.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her car. I should admit that half of my face was starting to burn an my shoulder had a slight ache to it.

We eventually pulled up to a hospital, I was nervous to go in, what if they see my bruises? Would they laugh? Would they think I'm crazy? My mom pulled me out the car an walked into the hospital, I sat down while she talk to the receptionist.

They glanced over at me as the receptionist nodded her head agreeing to what my mother was saying.

"Well she could come right in, nobody's in front of her, let me buzz the doctor right up an she will be out in a few." She smiled towards my mother.

My mother nodded,"Thanks."

She walked over to me an patted my hand getting on her phone to pass time by playing a game.

"Sam Addams."A doctor said an smiled when she seen me stand up. My mother quickly tried to follow me but I stopped her.

"I'm a big girl, you can stay here." I told her an walked off not waiting for a reply.

I quietly followed the doctor into a room, or a small cube if you ask for my opinion.

"So? Your mother says that your face is badly damaged." She started while reading my file.

I lifted an eyebrow, it was almost if she was calling me ugly...because I know for a fact I'm not ugly.

She then look at me, waiting for a response when the only thing I did was nod my head.

"Ok, well we're going to have to do an X-Ray to make sure you haven't broken anything Sam."

My breath quickly caught my throat, do I take my clothes off for this X-Ray? She will see my scars and tell my mom, I don't want my mom to worry about me.

"I'm really fine, I could put some cream or something to make the swelling an bruises go down." I said quicker than I had intend to.

It was her turn to look at me with an eyebrow raise,"Okay."

She started writing the prescription an handed me the paper.

"I want you to take my card, if something happens like an allergic reaction, just call me anytime an I would tell you what to do." She said handing me her business card.

I nodded as she continued,"And I want you to come back in three days top, so see if the swelling has gone down, also no school, I would get the receptionist to call the school an let them know."

"No school?" I asked to make sure I heard her correctly, it was only the first day but I needed to keep up this year or it wouldn't end well for me.

She nodded,"Or you can get the X-Ray did?"

I shook my head while mumbling,"No school it is."

She smirked as if she won the World Grand Championship.

"Well then, let's get you back to the front to your mother." She stood held out her hand silently saying to lead the way.

As I walked passed her, her shoulder slightly bumped mines as she was trying to close the door cause me to flinch from the pain.

"Sorry." She said looking at me in a knowing way.

"Your mother didn't put that it was something wrong with your shoulder too." She said half joking, trying to lighten the mood.

"There isn't anything wrong with my shoulder, I can see my way out." I said coldly.

She was left in the middle of the hallway with shock written all over her face, three more days, the doctor thought to herself.


I just want to say that Sam is a girl. You can find book 2 and 3 on my page. 👣

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