Chapter 44 - Stressed

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Peter's picking his mom up at the station and bringing her over so they can spend the rest of the day together.

I already took my things to Peter's room, so I don't have to go to my place this week and now I'm arriving at Hardin's.

He's expecting me because I had already texted him on WhatsApp.

"Hey, come in," he says as he opens the door. He's got a blunt in his mouth.

"Hey." I give him a kiss on the cheek, sit on the bed, and get the supplies to roll another one.

I still hang out with Hardin and we still text daily. The same way Peter and Becky still talk like they always have. This is going well, but the truth is that I hate that Peter is the person to whom Becky vents, and the fact that they live in the same dorm. Probably the same way Peter hates that I hang out with Hardin or that we text each other.

But love is just that, complete vulnerability. You trust someone, even if you are afraid.

Truth is, we're only gonna be able to do this for a few more months, because then it'll just be Peter and I. And maybe Dylan, who apparently lives close to him. Amazing how they had to fly across an entire ocean to meet, even though they've always lived in the same town.

"How are you?" Hardin's standing, looking at me while I hastily go through my bag. I look at him.

"I'm good, why?"

"You look stressed. Are you and Peter okay?"

"Yeah, we are. I'm just nervous, I'm meeting his mom tomorrow at lunch."

"Oh, so that's what it is." Hardin sits next to me. "Won't he be upset with you for being here?"

"Being here? No. But he will be upset if he finds out I'm doing drugs. But I need to relax, you know, for tomorrow."

"Yeah, I get it, you're good. You know he won't know anything from me, we barely talk nowadays, anyway."

Hardin and Peter aren't talking to each other except for "hello" and "goodbye", and Becky and I are the same. But we all hang out, regardless. It's a weird situation, but I'm beginning to get used to it.

"Sorry about that."

"It's not your fault."

"I also brought something for us. If you want to, of course." I show him cocaine. Since I'm free today, without Peter controlling me, I arranged to pick up a package from Heidi.

I know that I promised Peter I'd be good, but I'm not really doing anything bad, I'm just relaxing a bit with Hardin and then I'm meeting up with Júlia.

"Nice. I also have something for us, if you want." Hardin gets up and gets a bottle of scotch from the cabinet.

"Cool, of course I'll have some." And he gets two glasses from his desk and starts pouring.

"I just don't have any ice." He passes me a glass and the blunt he was smoking.

"No problem." I take a sip and a drag and feel like I'm in heaven. "This is living." I smile and we make a toast.

"In three days it'll be King's Day here in the Netherlands. They say it's one of the best nights, and everyone's celebrating on the streets," he says.

"We gotta ask the group if they want to go out."

"Yeah, I've already spoken with David, Dylan, and Becky. They're in."

"Becky?" Becky hasn't been showing much because, according to Peter, Arto doesn't like her hanging out with us, and she obeys.

"Let's see if she shows up."

"Yeah. Nice," I say. 

I just hope Peter will let me drink that night, I want to have fun. Abstinence has killed me. Ever since I told Peter about my substance abuse problem, he won't even let me drink at dinners with friends.

It's only been two weeks and I've had more time without consuming. But the fact that he forbade me and that I'm going through a rough phase has been messing with my head.

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