His beginning pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"I don't know Rock. They're still in beta, so it may not be..." The roboticist started, but the little boy looked up with hope. His sister soon started to plead to see the newest robot master models. The man smiled from his defeat of wills and rose from the couch.

"Okay you two. But I can only do this for a few minutes. Understand?" He said. The two children nodded vigorously and followed him to the lab. Heading down in a slope past the kitchen, the main area of the lab expanded over two stories.  Across one wall was three extra large screens displaying various plans, emails, and requests from different companies. A table three times as large as a dinner table stood in the center of the lab, a large contraption holding wires, lights, and tools hovering over it. In the far left corner were several box-like platforms with the still bodies of various robot masters.

"Are those your new models Dr. Light?" Rock asked curiously.

"Yes they are Rock. Built within the lab right here, and you and your sister will be the first ones they'll be interacting with. I want you to treat them just as I do with you and your sister. They'll be your new siblings." Dr. Light patted his back.

"Extended family? I like that." Rock muttered to himself with a little smile.

"I'm so excited, I want to see them wake up!" The little girl exclaimed.

"I'll let you exchange a few words, but nothing more. We don't want them to gather viruses or disrupt something important. Rock, will you press the button on each of the tables?" Dr. Light asked the little boy.

"Okay." Rock said. The first button he pressed made the table go up, showing the first robot peacefully shut down. The robot was roughly Rock's height, its body a bright orange and white and a large pair of scissors attached to the top of his round head. Dr. Light moved a chair for the little robot to see.

"This is DLN-003, or you can call him Cutman. He is going to be responsible for managing timber." He explained.

"Timber? But Dr. Light, he doesn't seem to be strong to handle strong trees like the ones in the mountains." The little girl spoke up.

"Not like that Roll, he's responsible for cutting down trees for development, not carry them across. That would be work for the human workers." Dr. Light chuckled.

"What's his personality like?" Rock grabbed the scissors on the immobile robot's head.

"I don't know." The doctor stated. The two robots looked at him confused, and he cleared his throat. "I only programmed him with the necessary stuff. I'm sure his personality will come to him in no time. It will be up to their I.C Chips on what personality they carve for themselves."

"I'm going to activate him." Rock suddenly said. Before anyone could object, he pressed against the robot's chest and a click was heard. A small hatch opened the chest with the core visible. As Rock touched the core gently, it started to beep and spin, a colorful glow erupting from within. He closed the hatch as the fingers started to twitch. A an arm slowly raised and the legs started to bend upwards. Finally, Cutman's eyes flickered open as he looked around him, his eyes finally settling on a gleeful Rock.

"Hello." He quietly said.

"Hello Cutman, do you know who I am?" Light put his hand on Cut's shoulder.

"I...You're Dr. Light, my creator. Where am I...and who is this?" Cutman gestured toward Rock, who seemed to be amused by the new member.

"I'm Rock, and this my sister Roll. Welcome to our home Cutman!"

"Really? Well, I guess it's a pleasure to meet you as well Rock and Roll. Are you human like Dr. Light?" Cutman politely asked. The two children looked at each and giggled slightly, causing the orange timber felling robot to tilt his head. Rock raised his shirt slightly and tapped his chest lightly like he did with Cutman. A small hatch cracked open to show a bright blue core humming softly. Cutman gawked as Rock closed the hatch and lowered his shirt.

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