"Jake" Nixie hissed, her voice mingled with Edward's warning.

  "She's doing great" Edward stated, eyes hinting for the wolf to back off.

  "Yeah" Jake nodded, "let's not push it though." He went to reach for the baby but Bella avoided his reach.

  Nixie quickly took a step forward placing herself next to Bella and the baby as the newborn gave Jacob an angry glare.

  "What's your problem" Bella sneered, arm's instinctively shielding Renesmee from Jacob's grab.

  "Oh" Rose smirked, "do tell her, Jacob."

  "This should be good" Emmett chuckled causing Nixie to give him a look that clearly screamed, "oh shit."

  Nixie saw the look Bella was giving Jacob and quickly spoke, "ooo-kay!" She quickly tucked her hands under Renesmee's armpits and lifted the baby out of Bella's hold. "Dah!" She exclaimed, holding the baby away from her and quickly handing her off to Edward, "take this." As soon as Edward grabbed his daughter Jasper wrapped his arm around Nixie's shoulders and pulled her to him to watch the scene about to take place.

  "Bella" Jake started, sweat forming on his forehead at the look he was receiving. "Look, it's a wolf thing."

  Nixie cringed at the crack in his voice before digging her face into Jasper's chest to hide her chuckles.

  "What's a wolf thing" Bella growled, stepping towards the wolf and getting in his face.

  Jacob didn't respond right away, eyes trailing around the room afraid to look at her. "Umm. You know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with." He could see the snarl forming on Bella's lips and spoke faster, "and it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise."

  "Take Renesmee out of the room" Bella ordered, not caring who got her out as long as she wasn't anywhere near her during her angry state.

  "O-oh" Jake squeaked, eyes watching the door as his imprint was hurriedly rushed away by Rose before things got physical.

  Bella shrugged Edward's hand off before speaking, "Edward don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you."

  "Oh" Jake sighed, head dropping before Bella's hand latched onto the back of his neck and forced his hunched body outside.

  Nixie's chuckles escaped her as she watched Bella throw Jake outside.

  Bella stomped out right behind him, "you imprinted on my daughter?!"

  Jake stood from the place he was thrown and glared back at his friend, "it wasn't my choice!"

  "She's a baby" Bella snarled causing Nixie's to purse  her lips.

  "It's not like that" Jacob defended, eyes looking towards the vampires for a little help. "You think Edward would let me live if it was?"

  "I'm still debating" Edward retorted as he leaned against the railing.

  "Shut up Eddy" Nixie sighed, "you're being a drama queen." She narrowed her eyes at the look he gave her before sticking her tongue out.

  "I've held her once" Bella's voice rang again, "one time Jacob! And already you think that you have some moronic wolfy claim on her?" She took  a step towards the wolf, giving him a hard shove, "she's mine!"

  Nixie heard Edward let out a chuckle and glared at his back, she felt bad for Jake. He didn't choose to imprint on Renesmee and anyone with eyes could see just how much he already cared for the baby. She wanted to tell Bella to ease up, but she knew the newborns emotions were running wild and figured it'd be best to stay out of it and just see how things played out.

Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Where stories live. Discover now