Chapter 70

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Ella sat on the couch, uncomfortably close to Brendon as they watched the tv. Ever since he had kidnapped her again, all she could think about was what happened a couple years back.

Ella sighed, straightening herself out, only causing Brendon to pull her closer to him, if that was possible. She glared at him, watching as a smirk tugged at his lips.

"You know, forcing someone to love you doesn't really work out well." Brendon scoffed, rubbing her shoulder. "Honey, you know that isn't true. Have you seen any of the movies?"

Ella pursed her lips, pushing her way out of Brendon's arms. "I have seen the movies, but this is reality and not a movie. So, snap out of it, Brendon."

He glared at her, clenching his jaw. "I'm not in some daze, Ella. Stop telling me to snap out of whatever you think I'm in."

Ella gasped as he pulled her closer once again. Brendon leaned in, his lips pressed against her ear. "You'll come to your senses and soon, you'll love it here."

She shivered as she felt Brendon place a trail of kisses from behind her ear all the way to her collar bone. Once that torture was over, Brendon left her alone to gather her thoughts.

Ella watched as he went upstairs, feeling the urge to try to escape. She shook her head at her dumb thoughts, telling them to go away in her head.

There was no point in trying to escape. Brendon was everywhere and wherever Ella went, he would be sure to find her within seconds. 

It was safe to say that she was permanently his until death parted them. While that may be a little harsh to think about, it was true.

Ella laid down on the couch, watching the weird show that was on tv. The people on the show seemed so happy and free, while Ella was the complete opposite.

She was stuck, but she had a plan. The plan would be to make it seem like she liked it there until Brendon allowed her more freedom.

But, soon, Ella would learn that her plan went a little too far. 

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