Chapter 10

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Ella looked at herself in the mirror, pulling her hair back in a messy bun. She had taken a quick shower and dressed in her pajamas, leaving Brendon and Richard alone.

Ella looked at her reflection, narrowing her eyes. "Why am I giving Brendon another chance? Am I really that stupid to think that he'd change for me?" She sighed, shaking her head.

She took a deep breath, walking out of her room, while moving her bangs out of her eye sight. Before she walked into the living room, Ella listened closely, trying to hear if Brendon and Richard were talking.

Instead of hearing muffled voices, Ella heard nothing except the tv playing softly. She furrowed her eyebrows, poking her head out from around the corner to see if the two men were still there.

When she didn't see them in the kitchen, Ella began to become curious as to where they went. As Ella made her way into the kitchen, she heard a couple voices from out on the terrace, then rolled her eyes.

Of course, they would be out there. Ella's hand was wrapped around the door handle, but she hesitated to open the door. She looked outside, watching as Brendon took a sip of his beer.

His mouth moved a little, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. Quickly, Brendon turned around, smiling at Ella. Richard turned around a few seconds after him, smiling at Ella as well.

Brendon opened the door, grabbing Ella's hand in his. "You know, it's not polite to spy on people, Ella, especially when they're your friends."

Ella scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Well, you know all about that, Brendon." The smile that was on his face slowly faded away, making him stare at Ella with a cold glare.

Richard had a little clue as to what was going on, but didn't fully know what was happening. "Anyway, Richard and I were just talking about hanging out tomorrow, if you would like to hang out."

Ella shook her head, sighing. "I'm sorry, but I have school first thing in the morning. I also have to study for a test, but maybe some other time." 

Brendon slowly nodded, then looked over at Richard, who was already quite drunk. "Well, how about tomorrow night? I'm sure you'll be available by then."

Ella rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders. "I really don't know, Brendon. Why do you want me to hang out with you guys that much?" 

He shrugged his shoulders, looking at her plump, kissable lips. Oh, how Brendon wanted to make out with Ella right then and there, but he would have to wait.

"I don't know. I guess you're just fun to be around."

 I swear to God, I will have her by the end of the night tomorrow. There's no doubt about it.

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