Chapter 43

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The police and ambulances arrived shortly, investigating the scene in front of them. The police chief shook his head, remembering when he had talked to Luke last.

It was a couple of years back when he was called up by him about some stalker. The chief sighed, rubbing his forehead. Just then, paramedics came out of the burnt down house, the sound of a woman screaming filling everyone's ears.

Karen gasped for air as she continued to scream, third degree burns all over her body. "S-Somebody help! M-My h-husband is dead!" One of the paramedics grabbed an oxygen mask, putting it over her mouth.

She closed her eyes, breathing in and out steadily as they pulled her into the ambulance. The police chief pursed his lips, taking a deep breath in.

The air smelled like smoke and gasoline. "Chief, the investigation team came up with a conclusion as to what started this."

He furrowed his eyebrows, then waited for the lieutenant to continue. "The house had a gas leak. It seemed like the leak had been going on for about a week, but the couple did nothing about it."

The chief shook his head. "As much as I would like to believe that that may be true, I think there might be another reason."

He turned to face one of the investigators, grabbing their attention. "Find me that case we had last with Luke Wilson. I think we might have a suspect."


Ella was studying for her psychology test she had tomorrow when she got the call. Luke was in critical condition and would be placed in a coma.

Karen, however, was ok as the doctors had got to her before she lost too much blood from all the burns. 

"W-Will he be alright? H-He's all I have left." The officer on the line sighed, clearing his throat. "The doctors are doing what they can, miss. We'll call you with an update once we are updated."

Ella bit back her sobs, taking a deep breath in. "Alright. T-Thank you, officer." She hung up the phone, laying down on her couch.

She kept her eyes locked on the ceiling, thinking about her father and Karen. They were all she had left, family wise. 

"Please, pull through. I can't afford to lose any of you."

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