Chapter 12

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The bass was blasting through the speakers, shaking the club building. Brendon moved through the crowd furiously, upset that his plan had not gone his way. 

Richard was near a group of three girls, sipping on his margarita as he began to flirt with one of them. "So, you're single, huh? Would you like to get in on some of the Richard action?"

In his eyes there was lust clouded the blue orbs of his. It was as if he had forgotten that he already had a girlfriend. 

Brendon took notice of this, watching as Richard slowly inched forward toward the girl. She giggled drunkenly, beginning to inch forward.

Quickly, Brendon pulled his phone out of his pocket and began recording what was happening. A smirk slowly tugged at his lips as he realized that his plan might just go his way after all.

As Richard and the girl made out for what seemed like forever, she pulled away, looking over at Brendon with narrowed eyes.

"What're you looking at, creep?!" Brendon chuckled, pointing at Richard. 

"I'm looking at a man who said that he would be loyal to his girlfriend, but just kissed another girl."

The girl gasped, sobering up a bit when she heard what Brendon said. She turned around to face Richard, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"It's the men like you who I stay away from, cheater!" She smacked him in the face, the music covering the sound of it.

Richard turned around, holding a hand on his cheek, glaring at Brendon. "What...the you think're doing?!"

Brendon crossed his arms, watching as the drunken man readied himself for a fight. "I'm simply getting back with the girl of my dreams and I have proof of you kissing that girl. It all worked out in the end."

He was still mad about Ella not making an appearance, though. Brendon was excited to see her and show her the video of her very own boyfriend, who had just taken advantage of a drunk girl.

"You...wouldn't my Ella...that video." Brendon smirked, pulling out his phone to watch the video, again.

"Oh, really?"


For the rest of the time spent at her dad's house, Ella tried her best to have a good time without having to worry about Brendon. His words cut her deep, though.

They had just finished up dinner and Ella didn't know if she wanted to leave or not. "So, Ella. What field are you going into?"

She shrugged, then took a sip of her water. "I'm trying to do something in broadcasting or music production. It's best to work with something that shares the passion you hold for some things in life."

Karen smiled, nodding her head. "That's a great philosophy to live by! If I'm being honest, I could see you doing one of those things in the future. You just have to keep working hard on it."

Ella nodded, watching as her dad sat down on the couch next to Karen. She looked over at the clock, seeing that it was getting  late.

"Well, I'm sorry to cut this short, but it's getting late, and I think I should start heading home." Karen and Luke stood up, ready to give hugs and say goodbye.

"It was really nice meeting you, Ella. I hope we could get together some time soon!"

Ella nodded, hugging Karen. "For sure." She broke away from Karen, then hugged her dad, a feeling of anxiety rushing over her.

If he knew that Brendon was back and was trying to get her to be with him, he would freak out. Ella pulled away, smiling at her dad.

With their goodbyes, Ella left, driving away slowly. It was time for her to put up with the man who created the chaos that was now back in her life.


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