Chapter 61

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Brendon pulled into the hospital parking lot, running a hand through his hair. He wasn't nervous for what was to come. Instead, he was excited for what he was about to do.

After all this is over, he would happily live with Ella and they would start a family together. Brendon smiled at the thought as he reached under the driver's seat for his knife.

He never understood why he hid it under there, but Brendon knew that whenever he had to look for it, the knife would most likely be under the seat.

Once Brendon was all situated with the knife, he placed it in his pocket, then made his way towards the building. Watching as a group of people went in, Brendon took a deep breath in, reminding himself that the plan would go the way he wanted.

As the automatic doors opened, Brendon stepped inside, locking eyes with the secretary. She scoffed, typing something up on her computer. 

Brendon continued to make his way over to her, trying to relax his tense shoulders. "I'm assuming that you've come to see Mr. Wilson, again?" Brendon nodded, pursing his lips.

The secretary looked him up and down, then rolled her eyes. Brendon mentally rolled his eyes, continuously telling himself how much he hates the woman in front of him.

"He's in the same room, if you can remember where that is." She snickered, causing Brendon to clench his fist. 

Reminding himself, Brendon gave a sarcastic smile, then nodded. "Of course, I know where his room is. How could I forget?"

The secretary rolled her eyes, then began to type once again. Annoyed, Brendon walked down the hall, looking in each room through the little window for Luke.

As he looked for Luke, he accidently found Karen's room, his heart sinking at the sight of her. Karen's skin had paled and an oxygen mask was covering her mouth and nose.

Brendon took a deep breath, continuing his search for Luke. Soon, he found him at the end of the hall. Knocking on the door, Brendon walked in, causing Luke to look over.

"Brendon? Why are you-" He closed the door, then slowly turned to face Luke. "I've been waiting for the chance to do this."

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, then watched as Brendon grabbed a spare pillow from the closet. Brendon walked over to Luke, immediately noticing the sweat dripping down his face.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." Before Luke could say another word, Brendon placed the pillow on top of his face, placing pressure on it.

Luke squirmed, his hands trying to pry Brendon's away from the pillow. His muffled screams and cries for help echoed off of the walls.

Just as Luke started to calm down, the door opened, revealing a nurse. "Get your hands off of him!" The nurse had attracted a couple others, along with some security.

Brendon took a deep breath, dropping the pillow on the floor next to him. He closed his eyes, realizing that he had been caught.

The security guards came in, grabbing both of his arms. "Looks like you'll be serving some time in the big house, mate."

Brendon huffed, feeling the metal against his wrists. He had found a way out before and he was going to do it again

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