Chapter 63

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It was late in the night and Brendon had been thinking about anything and everything but sleep. He looked at himself in the mirror, his joker smile only making him more excited. 

Brendon backed away from the mirror, then made his way over to the bars. Looking around, he could see that there were a couple guards down the hall. They wouldn't be able to hear what Brendon was about to do.

Taking a deep breath in, Brendon walked back over to the mirror, then slammed his fist against it as hard as he could. The some of the glass shattered, causing a smile to appear on Brendon's face.

Picking up a piece of glass, his heart began to race as he held the sharp end of the glass to the palm of his hand. 

Taking another deep breath in, Brendon began to cut the palm of his hand. He watched as the blood oozed out of the cut and how it began to get all over the floor.

His infamous smirk rose to his lips as he prepared himself to yell for help. "Ah! Help, I'm bleeding badly!" The sound of footsteps echoed off of the prison walls, making his smirk grow wider.

"What's wrong, Urie?" He held out his hand, some of the blood starting to harden while fresh blood continued to pour out of his hand.

"Oh, goodness." The guard fumbled for her keys, then unlocked the door. As she came closer to him, Brendon prepared for his next step.

She grabbed his hand, examining it. "How did you-" The guard was cut off by Brendon. He placed a finger on her lips, then stabbed the glass shard into her side.

She gasped and sputtered, looking up at him with glossy eyes. "H-Help m-" Brendon covered her mouth with one of his hands, then laid her down on the floor. 

He smiled down at her pale form, watching as the blood began to pool around her. "Thank you, darling. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have someone to get back to."

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