Chapter 4

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Ella looked at Brendon, nodding her head, not being able to take her eyes off of him. Not in that way, of course. She watched as Brendon closed the door behind him, taking his shoes off in the process.

Brendon placed his shoes next to the door, making sure they were aligned. He sighed, then looked at Ella, slowly looking her up and down.

Ella rolled her eyes, then made her way over to the couch, not wanting any of this to be real. "You know, you still find a way to capture my attention with your looks and personality, Ella."

She looked over at Brendon, crossing her arms. "Really now? Listen, Brendon, I don't want to be brought back into what happened a few years ago. In fact, I'm still traumatized by it all."

Brendon took his turn to roll his eyes, then sat down next to her on the couch, biting his lip as he looked at her.

"I only did all of that just so I could be with you, baby. I just can't stand to see you with another man." Ella became nervous, thinking about Richard. 

She tried to get Richard off of her mind, but that only led to her thinking about what Brendon could do to him. It was all coming back since he was back in her life.

Brendon looked at Ella with a confused expression on her face, sensing that something was wrong. He placed his hand on her shoulder, only for her to jerk away from him.

"Don't touch me!" She stood up, her breathing becoming uneven. Brendon stood up as well, knowing that she was having a panic attack.

"Sweetheart, please calm down. Everything is fine. It's ok, it's ok." He embraced her into a hug, waiting for her to calm down. It wasn't too long before that happened, luckily.

Ella took one last deep breath in, then looked at Brendon, glad he calmed her down. "T-Thanks. I needed that." Brendon just gave her a curt nod, still looking quite concerned.

He looked into her eyes as if he were trying to read her mind and almost instantly, he thought back to that boy in the hallway. 

'That boy's name is Richard. He just left as soon as I arrived. So, that's what she's worried about.' 

Brendon began to smirk, knowing what he was going to do to the boy. Ella was still a bit nervous, but she knew she had to keep Richard a secret.

"I'm going to get a drink. Do you want anything?" Brendon shrugged his shoulders, getting lost in her eyes. It had felt like forever since he had seen her. Her hips widened out and her curves were popping out.

Ella wasn't just a teenager anymore. She was now a woman and Brendon couldn't wait to have her all to himself once again.

"It depends on what you have, darling." She nodded, then signaled him to follow her into the kitchen. As she began digging through the fridge for some drinks, Brendon thought about the boy.

He wasn't going to kill him. At least, not yet. Brendon was simply going to allow him a choice and if he didn't back off, then there would be consequences.

"Ok, so I have one more Corona and a bunch of soda. What would you like?" He instantly perked up when he heard her say 'Corona'.

"I'll have the Corona, please. " Ella nodded, handing him the beer, then took out a Dr. Pepper for herself.

"Don't tell Kamsi I gave you that beer. She'll have my head." She giggled, thinking about how much her friend loved that beer. Brendon just looked at her with a concerned look, not wanting Ella to get hurt by Kamsi.

"Why are you laughing about her 'having your head'? You could seriously hurt by her." Ella shook her head, a smile playing at her lips.

"It's just an expression, Bren. Jeez, why do you want to protect me all the time? I could handle myself." He still didn't believe her, but decided against finding Kamsi and talking to her about it all.

"Are you sure? I mean, people could always take advantage of you, especially boys. Even though they might seem handsome and kind, they'll stab you in the back." Ella slowly nodded, then looked down at the counter.

"Yeah, some can be like that. Anyway, I wanted to ask you a question." Brendon furrowed his eyebrows, waiting for her question.

"Why did you only get charged twenty-five years for what you did? I-I mean, I see others get charged for the same things, but for life at most." 

Brendon bit his lip, then sighed. "I only got charged twenty-five years because I covered up most of my tracks. Like your mom and that boy who laid goo-goo eyes on you."

"I made sure that one of my apprentices take care of them. Not to mention, I made sure that my weapons were disposed of as well. Therefore, I was only charged for stalking and kidnapping. Also, I was just bailed out."

Ella nodded, taking a sip of her soda. Brendon took a sip of his beer, still thinking about Richard. He needed to leave and go back to his house to find out more about him. 

"Well, thank you, for everything. I have to head out early since I have meetings to go to in the morning." Ella smiled, watching as Brendon went to go put his shoes on.

As the two stood by the door, they looked into each other's eyes, Brendon wanting to kiss her badly. Instead, he leaned in and hugged her, taking in her sweet smell.

"I love you, Ella. Don't you ever forget that."

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