Chapter 35

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Brendon sighed, pulling out one of his knives. He inspected the blade, then looked at his unconscious victim sat in the corner of the room.

It had been quite some time since he had done anything like this, but the little voice in the back of his head told him that it was time to get back to it.

Brendon made his way over to the random girl, thinking about what he was going to do first. This girl was on the chess team and thought that she was better than Ella.

That's what upset Brendon and made him go after her. Now, here she was, bruised and beaten up in an old fold-up chair. 

Brendon lifted up her arm, pressing the knife to her creamy skin. He watched intently as the blood immediately came oozing out.

He bit his lip, gaining satisfaction from the adrenaline of it all. Brendon continued to mark up her arms, making bloody tattoos that would soon become bruised marks on her skin.

His design for this doll was going to be special. Something completely different from every other design. 

Her design would be a something along the lines of an 'edgy' adult. Tattoos would line her skin, her ears pierced all over the place, a nose ring, and dyed hair.

Brendon cut deeper and deeper into her skin, the blood beginning to pour out faster. He muttered a couple curse words, wiping his hands off on the towel next to him.

He picked up the knife once again, moving it near her lips. Instead of the joker smile that most of his old dolls had, she would have a frown.

Brendon grabbed a pen, sketching the frown on her skin. Once he was done, Brendon placed the knife on the pen mark, tracing it all the way down to where the mark stopped.

As he began the other side, the door to his temporary dollhouse opened, which led to him hearing Ryan's loud gasp.

"Brendon, you're gonna stain the brand new rug I just got last week! Not to mention, I told you not to do this at my house!"

Brendon rolled his eyes, then turned to look at Ryan. "Well, I needed to get this out of my system. I'm stressed out and I would like to take it out on something I enjoy doing."

Ryan crossed his arms, pursing his lips. "You do know that the whole entire police force in the Midwest is working twenty-four seven to find you, right?"

Brendon smirked. "Of course, I know that. This just adds more fun to my little game."

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