Chapter 52

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Ella continued to shop as she waited for Brendon to find her. Little did she know, he already found her. Standing on the other side of the mall, Brendon watched her from afar as she walked into the bakery.

He pulled his hat down, then began to walk towards the bakery. Ella sighed, walking up to the counter. "Hello, what can I get you?" Ella looked at the menu, trying to go out of the box.

"I would like a peppermint mocha." The barista nodded, putting in her order. "Will that be all?" Ella nodded, then began to dig in her purse for her wallet.

Soon, Brendon strolled into the bakery, his eyes not leaving Ella. Instead of standing in line behind her, he found a seat at an empty table. As Brendon waited for her to be done, he played on his phone.

Ella grabbed her receipt, then turned around, locking eyes with Brendon. Her body froze and her ears drowned out the barista who was asking if she was ok.

She didn't think Brendon would actually find her, but then again, he's a psychopath sent from hell itself. Why wouldn't he be able to find her?

His lips curled as he beckoned her to come sit down next to him. Ella hesitantly found herself walking towards where he sat, pulling up a chair from another table near by.

"H-How did you-" Brendon chuckled, pulling something up on his phone. When he turned his screen towards her, Ella couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

"You're tracking me? But, how?" He smiled, holding out his hand for her phone. Rolling her eyes, Ella gave him her phone, then watched as he tapped away.

"Remember when you passed out, darling?" Ella nodded, waiting on the edge of her seat for a real answer. "Well, I did a couple things with some skills I learned and hooked your phone up to mine."

Ella pursed her lips, then grabbed her phone from Brendon. "Oh, and I know what you're thinking. If you get a new phone, I can just search up your new number and do it again with some help from my friends."

Ella sighed in defeat, holding her head up with the palm of her hand. "You're insane. Did you know that?" Brendon nodded, mocking her by resting his head on his palm as well.

 "I know I'm insane, but I'm only like this because I love you, baby."

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