Chapter 2

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Brendon looked down at the counter, looking at the belongings the prison had taken from him, then looked back up to look at the face of the prison guard.

"Well, are you going to just stand there and look at it or are you gonna take your shit?" Brendon rolled his eyes, placing his items in the bag they supplied.

He had already signed the papers he needed to sign and was now waiting to say the oath in front of the judge. 

The female officer had left him be for the time being, allowing him to some private time while he waited. Once she was gone, he began to think about Ella and the last time he saw her.

Brendon remembered all the blood that poured out of his body, but mostly remembered how his heart broke the very moment she shot him. 

What was so messed up was the fact that no matter what she did to him, Brendon was going to crawl back to her and keep her to himself. That was the plan from the beginning.

After a few more minutes of thinking about what he was going to do to Ella, the officer came back, signaling for him to follow her into the court room.

Brendon quickly stood up and followed, a sick grin beginning to form on his face. He was just one simple step away from freedom.

The courtroom was empty, except for two officers, the judge, and Brendon. He walked up to the very front of the room, then waited for the judge to give him directions.

"Raise your right hand, Mr. Urie." Brendon did as he was asked, trying his best to hide his grin. "Repeat after me, please."

"I, Brendon Urie, have learned my lesson while I have been imprisoned, and will stay away from the path of temptation of evil. I will..."

The judge's words faded away, leaving Brendon to think about Ella once again. That's when he also realized that Luke was still alive.

A sour look was plastered on his face, making the judge look at him with a concerned look. "Mr. Urie, are you alright?" Brendon shook out of his daze, then looked at the judge.

"Yes, your honor. Am I free to leave now?" The judge gave him a curt nod, then watched as Brendon made his way out of the courtroom.

As he stepped out of the front doors of the building, Brendon took a deep breath in, then exhaled. He was just happy to be free.

Parked up against the curb, Spencer sat in the driver's seat, picking at his fingernails as he waited for Brendon. He wasn't too happy about how much he paid for bail, but he was happy that his friend was free.

Brendon opened the passenger side door, then buckled his seatbelt, closing the door behind him. "Hey, Spence. Thanks, for bailing me out."

Spencer nodded, then looked at his friend. "One year without you was something, Bren. Anyway, I've got what you've asked for."

Spencer pulled out an envelope, handing it over to Brendon. As Brendon opened it, he smirked once he realized what the envelope contained.

Pictures of Ella were in there, along with where she was and where her current home is. Brendon looked over at Spencer, patting him on the shoulder.

"Tell me you already put the address in your phone." Spencer nodded, pulling it up on the car's screen. 

"I think it's time to pay our little princess a visit, don't you think?" Spencer nodded, the end of his lips slowly rising.

"You got it, Brendon. Next stop, Morgan street."

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