Chapter 17

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Ella stood outside the building, rubbing her arms to keep herself warm from the fall air. She watched as the investigators made their way inside, sickened by the fact that Richard had caused all of this.

He was never a reckless drinker and that's what puzzled Ella the most. Not to mention, she knew that Brendon was somehow friends with him, but he didn't know where he lived, did he?

She thought back on that, remembering that she hadn't told Brendon his address. The suspicion slowly built up in her body, but she knew that she would shake it off.

The wind picked up and as if by a miracle, Brendon pulled into the parking lot, grabbing Ella's attention, by honking his horn lightly.

He rolled down the window, then smiled. "Hey, baby. I've got the heat on, if you're cold." Ella rolled her eyes, then smiled at Brendon's little remark.

She quickly hopped in, then sighed, looking at the building that was once a home to her boyfriend. "So, what's wrong, El?"

Ella looked over at Brendon, meeting the gaze of his chocolate eyes. "I-It's Richard. H-He's dead." Her body felt cold when she said that. 

A shiver went down her spine as she thought about Richard. Ella wanted this all to be a dream, but sadly, that would never be the case. At least, not for her.

While Brendon had brutally murdered Richard, he put on a good act, gripping the steering wheel and acting like he was affected by this.

"How?" His voice quivered a bit, causing Ella's suspicion to completely fade away. She began to think about how close him and Richard used to be, feeling bad that she thought he killed him.

She took a deep breath, then closed her eyes, trying her best to calm herself down. "They said he was extremely drunk and he fell off the second floor."

Brendon pursed his lips, sighing. "God, I'm sorry, Ella. I-I feel like since I came back into your life, you've had nothing but trouble on your hands."

She placed a hand on Brendon's forearm, shaking her head. "I-It's alright, Brendon. I kind of like it when you're with me."

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