Chapter 1 : Many Firsts

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Katniss POV

I grab the last of my pillows and place them on my bed. I finally unpacked all my boxes. This was one of the only perks of my mother remarrying. The guy is rich which doesn't hurt but he will never replace my dad. He died about 4 years ago in a car accident. I finally got my dream bedroom. We spent the entire summer building our one of kind house and me a Prim, my little sister, got to have complete control over our bedrooms. It doesn't have my favorite color but I love the way it turned out (picture of room under media). It has a few beds with a lounge connected in case I have friends over, if I ever manage to get friends. Prim walks into my room and looks kinda upset, she is always in a good mood so something must be up. 

"What's wrong little duck? You look upset." I say to her. 

"I'm really nervous about next week." Next week we start at our new prep school. We aren't used to this rich prep life yet so it may be hard to fit in. 

"You'll be fine. You are the sweetest person I have ever met. I know you can make friends with the snap of a finger. So don't be worried. If anyone is gonna have trouble making friends it will be me because you know how shy and isolated I get around new people." I say trying to calm her nerves. 

"Thanks Katniss" says Prim and walks out with a genuine smile on her face. I walk downstairs after braiding my hair back. I am starving after all the unpacking I have done today. I see the some sandwiches and salad spread across the table. There's a note from Mom and her husband. It says "We went out to dinner with some friends. Left money on the counter if you decide to go out or order some food. Stay safe see you when we get back." and I lay the note back down. After I eat a very fulfilling lunch I go upstairs to watch a movie. I am freaking out about starting at the new school. But I let my problems go as I watch my movie. I end up falling asleep before the movie ends. 

{Next Morning} 

I wake up with a punding head. I go and grab some medicine to relieve myself of this horrible pain. I slowly stroll downstairs and my mother and Prim lookat me wearily. They lay me down and bring me something to eat. I have some toast and yogurt with berries. It tastes great and helps my head a little. Prim sits with me all day playing games and aiding me when necessary.  

{Time Lapse : Day before school}

I am getting so paranoid. I have checked to make sure my backpack has all my stuff in it 4 times now. I set my outfit out for tomorrow and take shower before climbing into bed for my last sleep of summer. I fall asleep to nice dream about me and my dad walking in the meadow. 

He sits down with me and a picnic basket. We start eating and turn around seeing my dad slowly getting farther and farther away. Suddenly he is out of my reach and I can no longer se  him. I am screaming his name telling him to come back.

I bolt upright sweating and panting with hot tears streaming down my face. I try to fall back asleep after washing the tears off my face. I am sort of used to waking up like this due to my nightmares coming often at night. 

{Next Morning}

I wake up to my alarm and hop into the shower. I wanna dress a little nice so I make a good impression on my first day. I put on a sky blue skater skirt with gray tights and a white crop top and floral cardigan. I throw on my plant booties and grab my purple bag. I unplug my phone and throw my stuff into my purse and walk downstairs. I grab some toast and juice and say goodbye. I walk to school which isn't that far away.When I see the school come into my view. The school is huge and looks so conufing and intimidationg. I walk in and it looks ten times bigger from the inside. I walk into the office to get my schedule. I go to my locker and struggle with the combination. A boy notices my defeat and walks over to me. "Hey sometimes the lock sticks, you just have to bang and lift." He swiftly opens my locker with ease. 

"Thanks. I would have been stuck here for ges trying to open it. By the way my name is Katniss. I'm new here."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Finnick. What's your first class?"

"I look to my schedule and say, "I have History first"

"Same you can meet a few of my friends." he says and I follow behind him quietly. 

I walk in and Finnick walks over to a group of kids sitting around a table laughing. 

"Hey guys this is Katniss, she is a new student here. This is Annie, Cato, Glimmer, Peeta, Marvel, and Clove"

"Hey I'm Katniss. Nice to meet you guys." I reply back. I sit down and wait for class to start. All of them are really nice and before I know it we are all walking to our next class, Science. Suddenly I am walking to class with Annie and Clove. Obviously I sit with them because they are the only people I know and have spoken to all day. We are chatting and eating when some girl wearing really short shorts comes up to Peeta and starts making out with him intensly. When she finally gets up for airi Peeta seems disgusted. 

"Delly, what are you doing?"

"Well, as your girlfriend I thin you are aloud to kiss me in oublic, come on baby."

"Delly we aren't dating, how many times do I have to tell you." He says sternly. She stomps away back to her table. I finish eating lunch and start to walk to my locker when someone grabs my hand. I thought it was Finnick but turn to see the back of a head with brunnette hair. I have no idea where he is taking me or who  he is but his grip on my wrist is too hard to get out of. We walk into a closet and he shuts the door and locks it. "Are you gonna tell me who you are or what?' I ask furiously. He turns and I start getting scared as to what is gonna happen. 


Hey guys so this is the first story/fanfic I have ever written. I hope you like it and give me any feedback you have. Was it tto long? Too short? Do you like the story line? Let me know!

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