CHAPTER 47 - Uneasy Tensions

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It was three days later the third week of the month that's already gone and passed by and still the winter season going on in Z-city.

And it looked like the new group of survivors have settled in comfortably in Safe Haven, all content and happy, even though there are obvious tensions between the old and new groups there.

It has been peaceful and quiet so far between these two groups of survivors, and despite the tension, they try to get along and know each other more to find out on either side whether they are truly good friendly people or not.

The only one who didn't seem to partake in those kinds of social activities with the others is Eden herself.

And she seemed to have a good reason for it, while she stands back and hides in the shadows, away from the new group of survivors, as well as the old ones, since it looked like she's still treading on thin grounds with them after she had admitted her mistake on going out on her own alone last time.

Granted, the ones that Eden has trouble being trusted again were just Ryu and Daiyu, even though Sahara started trusting Eden again after that time but Daiyu is taking his brother's side upon Eden's reckless decision for what she had done before the past days.

Eden had already known but did not regret her mistake of going out alone late at night when she needed to have her head cleared from any troubling thoughts she had. And despite that she had tried to reason with Ryu about her problems and self-conflicts and doubts, the Asian man was still disappointed in her for not confiding them about it so that they would help her whenever she needed it, but she didn't.

But Eden is working on getting back that trust again when she does, right now she seems to be focused on the important matter at hand, which is dealing with the new group of survivors and assessing them intently whether they are truly good people or not, and if they deserved the right to stay in Safe Haven, even though two of them are important and necessary enough for them to stay there because of their status. And that particular status would be the facts of the woman Tanya being pregnant and Erik as an expert medical doctor.

Despite that these two are the specific exceptions among the other new survivors that are staying in Safe Haven, Eden is not letting her guard down around them, including the doctor man Erik himself because she thinks inside her mind that there might be some ulterior motive when it comes to the others if there are or not.

And it looked like Sahara and Ryu seemed to agree with Eden's opinion, though these two didn't know that they all share the same thoughts about their suspicions and wariness toward the new group of survivors. Ryu is keeping his distance from Eden but Sahara isn't when she talked to her and shared their opinions concerning the new survivors, both women agreed that these people needed to be watched closely and assessed very well until they're sure that this new group has proven themselves that they are no threat or danger to their group in Safe Haven.

It took about three days for the time to pass on since the new survivor group have been brought into Safe Haven, being taken care of and allowing them into a safe secure place, and provided them opportunities to have them contribute to keeping their group safe more as well as earn their right to stay by proving themselves to join in house chores or do other tasks to work for helping out the group and such.

Eden discreetly whispered and told Sahara to stand down because her sister Nadia and her brother Homer would find it odd if they noticed their sister looking at the new survivors like a hawk eyeing another predator. Eden reassured Sahara that she and Ryu will be the ones keeping a close watch and focusing their eyes on them, studying and assessing their true motives and finding out the truth if they are the good kind of people or not.

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