CHAPTER 18 - Home Alone Traps are The New Trend

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On the next day as the sun slowly rise early in the morning on Z-city, Eden woke up from her deep sleep last night before, fully awake and alert, like she's been completely energized and needed to work it off by starting to work on the home-made traps she needs to do, and after that, she'll check out on the possible matter of the intruders or incoming threats that might come near Safe Haven.

Eden turned to look at the children, who are still sleeping along with the puppy Archer on the big mattress bed, and she nodded silently with satisfaction upon seeing that they are still in a deep slumber for a while, so that she'll work on the traps as fast as she can.

She gently and carefully removed herself from the bed, making sure she didn't make any slight movement that will stir the sleeping ones awake, and she patted Luna's head, quietly ordering the adult canine to look after them while she's gone and busy to do the chores and tasks she'll be doing for the day.

Luna nodded its head at her like it understood and followed her orders as it relaxed and lay down with its head on her paws, watching its children with alertness, despite that it will be taking a dog nap soon after it stayed up all night awake, looking after the young ones and her master when they were asleep.

After Eden was satisfied that they'll be alright while she was gone, she went off quickly to do the first batch of traps she needs to make. And it looks like it didn't last long when she went downstairs to get into the storage units and grab the materials that she needed to make the traps and put them around from inside and outside.

It took about a few hours, two to three hours precisely for Eden to be busy working on them, and it was a good thing that she started at an earlier time because the kids were starting to stir from their sleep. Just as little Michael and Annie were about to wake up, their eyes adorably blinking open and wide awake, Eden returned in time to greet them good mornings with a few slightly noticeable cuts and scratches on her hands and some bruises on her arms.

Luckily for Eden, her young charges didn't notice them, and she also distracted them away from the wounds and injuries she got on herself by announcing that she already cooked and set up breakfast for them. She added in the enticement that she made pancakes, and her idea worked as Michael and Annie looked at her with beaming bright eyes and jumped off of the bed in a hurry to get to them before they grow cold.

Eden shook her head with an amused chuckle at the sight of them darting off like that, before she followed after them, leaving two dogs behind as the puppy Archer whined and nudged against its mother Luna when it suddenly fell asleep, exhausted from her duty as a guard dog for the kids.

When Eden saw the kids happily eating their breakfast, scarfing down the pancakes with eagerness, she brought the dog bowls of food and water for them back into the bedroom and placed them there so that they'll have their meal when Luna woke up later.

After she did that, she was standing by one corner, holding her plate full of her breakfast share, watching silently like she was thinking about something deeply. But then she snapped out of it when Annie cutely pointed out to her that her food is going to be cold if she doesn't eat it too.

Eden smiled at the little girl with gratitude, making her blush a bit with embarrassment under her gaze and Annie continued eating with her brother at the table, as the adult woman still stood by in her corner, watching them.

It seemed that she is thinking in her mind of the decision she made firmly inside, to keep working on the traps she was making and placing them in Safe Haven. And it needs to be done without the children knowing so that they won't interfere with her work and hurt themselves in the process of helping her when they want to, but she won't let them.

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